Thursday, August 17, 2017

Kris Jenner: Is She Right to Be Afraid of O.J. Simpson?

As you’ve likely heard by now, O.J. Simpson was granted parole last month after serving 9 years of a 33 year sentence for robbery charges.

The notorious former NFL star might be released from prison as early as October 1.

And there are many famous figures who would’ve preferred that Simpson remain behind bars.

Among them are members of the Kardashian family, who were so close to the events of Simpson’s famous murder trial that they were portrayed in the recent FX miniseries The People vs. O.J. Simpson.

The late Robert Kardashian Sr. was a close friend and trusted confidant of Simpson’s and he’s often credited with assembling the crack legal team that helped O.J. beat double murder charges that likely would have landed him behind bars for life.

Robert’s ex-wife, Kris Jenner, was friends with Nicole Brown Simpson, and she’s one of the millions who believes O.J. took Nicole’s life along with the life of her friend, Ron Goldman.

Now, there are rumors that Kris is frightened for her life and ramping up security in preparation for Simpson’s release.

Naturally, several tabloid media outlets have taken this rumor and run with it.

Kris Jenner Enquirer

The National Enquirer in particular has been reveling in reports of Kris feeling threatened by Simpson.

“O.J.’s Chilling Threat As He’s Set Free… You’re Next Kris!” reads a salacious headline on the cover of the tabloid’s latest issue

“Bloodthirsty O.J. Vows To Cut Up Kris! Trash-Talking Ex-Mistress Next On Hit List,” screams a second banner, in case the first was too subtle for you.

“Kris and O.J. have moved in the same circles for a long time, and she’s heard through back channels he’s gunning for her… His rage has been simmering, and he’s ready to blow,” the outlet quotes a “source” as saying.

The outlet also reports that Simpson “blames [his] former flame Kris Kardashian for his fall from grace, and plans to make her pay.” 

Yes, according to the Enquirer’s version of events that Kris and O.J. were lovers, and he feels she’s responsible for his imprisonment.

Also, they’ve apparently taken to calling Kris “Kris Kardashian.”

Not surprisingly, several websites have already debunked the claims made by the Enquirer, but it’s a reminder that the members Kard clan might want to brace themselves for a new kind of gossip.

The Kardashians have been famous for about a decade, and O.J. has been behind bars for the majority of that time.

While there have always been rumors regarding ther family’s relationship with the disgraced football star (Reports that O.J. is the father of Khloe Kardashian have proven to be a favorite online.) public interest was limited by Simpson’s lengthy imprisonment.

With the Juice on the loose, Kris and company will have to contend with a renewed fascination in their entanglement with one of the most notorious figures of our time.
