Monday, August 7, 2017

Sasha Obama: Spotted Kissing Some Dude Named Matt!

We interrupt our occasional prying into the private life of Malia Obama to bring you an update on her sister.

A wholly unexpected update, that is!

Over the weekend, the former First Daughter was spotted at Lollapalooza, a music festival that was held at Hutchinson Field in Chicago.

In and of itself, this sighting was not especially surprising; not when the Obamas are from the Windy City and not when 16-year olds such as Sasha Obama are typically fans of socializing in this manner.

But a fellow attendee snapped photos of Sasha talking intimately with some guy allegedly named “Matt” not long after meeting him.

This same individual shared an image of Sasha and her love interest on Snapchat, including with it a caption that read:

“Matt gonna get Sasha Obama.”

Was he really, though?

Or were these two simply chatting it up while surrounded by thousands of other revelers at the event?

Nope, Matt really did get himself Sasha Obama! At least as far as the swapping of spit goes!

A second Snapchat photo from the meet-cute features Matt and Sasha engaged in a pretty serious game of tonsil hockey.

Both appear to be winning, although the true victors in this development are clearly intrigued celebrity gossip followers.

Take a look at the noteworthy photograph for yourself:

Sasha Obama is 16 years old and there’s obviously nothing wrong with her kissing anyone.

We’re not passing judgment of any kind.

But that doesn’t mean this isn’t a makeout session that holds the public interest, considering Sasha is only a few months removed from living in the White House and considering her father was recently the most powerful human being on the planet.

For better or worse, likely to the chagrin of Sasha and Malia, their interactions will be analyzed in every which way for several years going forward.

As Barack Obama’s second term wound down last year, more and more attention turned to the decisions of his children.

For example, about a year ago to the date, Malia was allegedly seen smoking pot the 2016 version of Lollapalooza.

A few months later, 15-year old Sasha supposedly got drunk at some party; which, again, is totally normal behavior for a high school sophomore.

No one affiliated with the Obama family or administration has commented on these photos.

We doubt they will, either.

But it’s safe to say we’re not excited for President Trump to lash out at some point in the near future and criticize his predecessor as a bad parent for letting his young daughter act in this manner.

Does anyone doubt this may even have already happened by the time you read this post?
