Friday, August 25, 2017

Big Brother Recap: Did Mark Flip The House?!?

Heading into the latest episode of Big Brother, Mark’s fate was up in the air. 

You would think that being on the block against Matt would make the other houseguests want to get rid of Matt. Strategically, Mark has nobody in the house, so it would make perfect sense to keep him in as a target. 

When the episode gets underway, Mark speaks with Jason about the possibility of keeping him in the game. Jason notes that it would be down to Alex and Paul. 

Jason then lets Alex in on what Mark was saying, but Alex says that Jason has outed their final three deal with Paul in the process. Alex hits him because it gives their alliance away. 

Despite wanting Mark out of the house, Christmas and Josh spoke about respecting his game, but that he just aligned with the wrong people. 

Jason’s farm then makes a rare appearance on the series, and his wife speaks about his relationship with Alex. She thinks it’s healthy and that she’s keeping him grounded while inside the house. 

When it comes to the live vote and eviction, there was a curveball thrown in for good measure. 

  • Raven votes to evict: Mark 

  • Josh votes to evict: Mark 

  • Kevin votes to evict: Mark 

  • Jason votes to evict: Matthew

  • Alex votes to evict: Matthew

  • Paul votes to evict: Mark

Mark is evicted by a 4-2 vote, and the look on Raven’s face confirms that she is shocked by the two hinky votes. 

Mark says goodbye to the houseguests and notes that he will see them all on the other side. Is this the classiest eviction, like, ever?

In his eviction interview, Mark reveals that his game play was horrible. When you’re in a house with a bunch of people who just want to make it to the jury, Mark is actually a better player than most of them. 

He tried a lot to secure his safety this week, and that was not a bad thing. 

The good thing about Mark’s eviction is that it means the other houseguests are about to turn on each other in order to get to the end. 

With the majority alliance now down to their own, it’s going to be interesting to watch. 

Which side will Paul go to and stick with?

Hit the comments with your thoughts on this season. 
