Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Nathan Griffith: David Eason Told My Son I"m Gay!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you might be aware that Jenelle Evans isn’t always the easiest person to get along with.

Of course, she has a tendency to surround herself with unhinged rage-oholics like herself, so iher life has become a kind of perfect storm of insanity.

Currently, Jenelle is involved in an ongoing custody battle with Nathan Griffith, and like every other conflict in her life, it seems to keep getting uglier.

Griffith took to Twitter yesterday to level some accusations at Jenelle and her fiance, David Eason.

Nathan claims David used an anti-gay slur to describe him to his son and mother.

“Because your man friend wants to call me a f***ing queer to my mom and my son without me there, but is always nice to my face,” Griffith tweeted.

“Anyways, DAVID EASON, if you want to man up for once and talk to me like a man, face-to-face, I would love to exchange words like adults.” 

Griffith went on to share a screen shot of texts he recently sent to Jenelle (whom he’s hilariously saved in his phone as “SheDevil):

“Tried to send this to her,” Nathan captioned the pic.

“The green I sent, but she obviously blocked me then unblocked me.”

Griffith insists that he’s trying to raise his son ina loving and emotionally stable environment, which means never speaking ill of the boy’s mother.

And he says he wishes Jenelle would return the favor.

“Seriously? Toddlers about 2-5 are just learning tangible words that can be associated with a physical action or thing. Please stop feeding my child words like ‘mean,"” Griffith says in his text to Jenelle.

“Just last night, we were talking about you and I told Kaiser, ‘Daddy loves mommy because she’s your mom.’ I feed positive stuff to him about you. And I wish you guys would do the same.”

Of course, Griffith isn’t really helping his case by bad-mouthing his ex and airing his dirty laundry on social media.

“Jenelle, you contact me then block me as soon as you get your two cents in, you’re in contempt of court in multiple ways, so please do!” 

It looks like Nathan will get the fight he’s looking for, as Jenelle replied, simply:

“I’m filing to go back to court. You and your mother are ridiculous.”

Like we said, this situation is sure to get a lot uglier before it gets any better.
