Monday, August 14, 2017

Miley Cyrus: I Flaked on the Teen Choice Awards Because ...

Miley Cyrus was a no-show at this year’s Teen Choice Awards, despite being the recipient of the show’s highest award — the Ultimate Choice Award.

Which kind of makes you wonder: Miley, what’s good?

Miley does have an answer for fans who are wondering why she’d duck out of a show where she’d been scheduled to appear.

The Teen Choice Awards were last night, and while Riverdale and Wonder Woman and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ruled the night, Miley was also supposed to be awarded.

But she was a no-show.

You might think that maybe Miley has reason to get cold feet.

After all, it was an award show where Miley twerked on Robin Thicke in an infamously ill-fitting costume.

We still have nightmares about it.

It was at an award show where Nicki Minaj and Miley’s possibly staged feud became a meme sensation when Nicki Minaj referred to Miley as the “b—h” who’d been talking about her the other day, famously saying: “What’s good?” to Miley.

Every response to Miley on social media for at least the next week was just some variation on “what’s good?!”

But Miley was scheduled to be there as an award-recipient, not to scar minds or get roasted on live television.

When Victoria Justice, beautiful treasure that she is, announced that Miley wouldn’t be there, she didn’t offer up an explanation.

It was Miley herself who took to Instagram with a lengthy post to explain what had kept her away from her fans.

“To my dearest fans & all of those watching @teenchoicefox! I want to say thank you from the very bottom of my heart for presenting me with #TheUltimateChoiceAward!” 

Well, yeah.

It might be a giant surfboard and therefore pretty inconvenient to display in most houses, but it’s the highest honor that the TCAs can bestow.

(Honestly, you can tell how old the TCAs are by the fact that surfboards were in any way representative of teen culture … because that is clearly no longer the case)

“I am beyond bummed I couldn’t make it to the show as I had every intention of being there to accept and celebrate this honor!”

We would imagine so.

The explanation that Miley offers up is actually pretty relatable.

“I created an unrealistic schedule for myself which leads me to this announcement!”

Anyone of any age can overestimate how much they can do or underestimate how time-consuming or onerous or exhausting a task will be.

It happens.

So plenty of us can get overwhelmed or overscheduled or overbooked.

(That’s an excuse for people, not for airlines)

But Miley mentioned an announcement that she had to make.

“I’ve been tryin to keep the secret but I can’t hide it any longer!”

By all means, go on.

“My new single / music video #YoungerNow will be dropping this Friday , Aug 18th & I am sooooooo EXCITED to share it with all of you!”

That’s this Friday, of course.

It’s also pretty late notice for anyone who isn’t Beyonce to announce a song or music video.

“I hope to always make people smile and shine light thru my work!”

That’s what the best music does.

Plus it makes people dance.

(Or cry)

“I look forward to making music for the rest of my life and I’m thankful everyday for those who listen!”

We’ve been hooked on Miley’s music career, for better or for worse, since “See You Again,” so we’re all kinds of excited to hear it.

Though we really don’t know what sort of song it will be.

“I am sending so much love and peace into the world right now because THATS what we need most!”

She’s right.

Miley was, of course, posting about the hundreds of white nationalists who were marching and doing Nazi salutes in Charlottesville over the weekend.

(And, of course, the vehicular terrorist attack that claimed the life of an innocent woman who was out to oppose the white nationalists)

“Love Love & more LOVE!”

She followed those words with ten heart emojis of various colors, including a couple of those ugly yellow ones.

Many might wonder if that’s a cover story and if perhaps she was busy getting secretly married.

And, well, you never know.

Personally, we’re just going to be looking forward to this new song.

We hope that this next song’s a freaking bop.

Miley has another one in her.
