Monday, November 20, 2017

The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 5 Recap: Art of War

Father Gabriel was stuck with the Saviors on The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 5, but did his predicament make him realize that all of the groups could live in unity if they stopped bickering?

When the episode got underway, Simon was speaking up in defense of Gregory. Yes, really. Gregory has proven one too many times that he will go where the power is and if he has to cut some of his allies on the way, that’s okay. 

Negan was against the idea of trusting Gregory, but he thought about it because Simon was his right-hand man and trusted him way more than some of the others still pledging allegiance to him. 

Simon thought it would be a good idea to make a stop at Hilltop and ensure everyone fell into line and they would kill them if they refused to. Negan did not like this and said that slaughtering their resources would be a bad move. 

Negan reiterated to Simon who was in charge and you could tell that Simon was one scene away from wetting himself. Negan said the best course of action to was to take Rick and make everyone watch them get revenge on him. 

We then moved back in time to the time Gabriel found himself in Negan’s trailer and how the men became friends.  Gabriel thought his purpose was to get a confession out of Negan for his sins. 

Negan claimed he did not kill people who did not deserve it. Gabriel then tried to grill Negan about whether he had a wife before the apocalypse, and before the villain could move, Gabriel made a mad dash for the gun. 

With the walkers closing in, Gabriel had no choice but to join Negan on a short-term basis to make his way inside the Sanctuary to find out what was going on with everyone. 

Negan opened up about having a wife whom he screwed around at every turn. He then said that he was the one who struggled to put her down when she was ultimately taken over. 

Meanwhile, Gavin wanted to know which one of their men shared some vital news with Rick’s group. If you watch The Walking Dead online, you will know that Dwight was the one. 

Eugene was the prime suspect because he was the newest person to join the Saviors. Dwight changed the subject by saying that he would be the one to lead the people to safety. 

Eugene thanked Dwight for his help, and then Negan and Gabriel appeared full of the guts of the undead. Negan quickly started pointing the finger at Simon because he knew the truth came from the inside. 

But Eugene figured it all out when Gabriel’s bag a had a paint stain the same color as the one Dwight used. 

Outside of the Sanctuary, Daryl and Rick found some dynamite and Daryl wanted to blow the Sanctuary off the map. But Rick was against it because of the families being kept inside the compound. 

The two men legit fought over the dynamite, and they were interrupted by a chopper flying over them. 

What did you think of all the twists?

Sound off below!
