Thursday, November 2, 2017

Riverdale Season 2 Episode 4 Recap: The Town That Dreaded Sundown

Riverdale is getting darker every single week. 

On Riverdale Season 2 Episode 4, the town continued to fear the Black Hood, who was still haunting the residents of the town. 

The killer sent a letter to Betty Cooper saying that her speech at the school was the thing that made him begin to purify the town of some of its biggest offenders. 

Along with the letter, he left a coded note that he said only she could decipher. She confided in her mother but kept the part about the letter out of the conversation. 

Betty, Kevin, Jughead, and Toni then joined forces to figure out what the letter meant. Somewhere along the way, Betty essentially said the Serpents were to blame for everything. 

Toni then countered that Jughead was hanging around with them in school and that she should probably consider that before throwing accusations around. 

Toni and Kevin left, and Betty woke up the next morning to countless calls from her mother for not letting her know where she was staying. Alice had previously said that she was worried sick every time Betty did not answer the phone to her. 

While all of this was going down, Archie was feeling the wrath of just about everyone for the Red Circle video. The football team had been disbanded until the red-head decided it was time to pull the plug on the group. 

After telling Veronica her father was the one who pushed him to take action, Veronica got on board with the cause. Archie went out at night and started painting red circles around town. 

He found himself in a scary situation when a Serpent pulled a knife out on him, but Archie started waving the gun around, and the boys disappeared. 

Archie was shocked in school when Keller showed up and said a shopkeeper had called the cops on him. His locker was checked, but the gun was nowhere in sight. 

Archie was suspended from school and asked Veronica to retrieve the gun for him. She said she threw it away, and that he was to calm down with all of the crazy drama. 

Reggie and the rest of the football team showed up, but things got scary when a group of serpents appeared and said that there would be a fight. Veronica told them not to use weapons, or she would call Keller in. 

At the fight, one of the serpents stabbed Dilton in the leg, and Veronica shot the gun to break up the fight. She and Archie then threw the gun into the river. 

Mayor McCoy called a town meeting and imposed a curfew on the town, but Betty and Jughead showed up to say the killer was going to strike. The killer somehow knew she was a fan of Nancy Drew and the book helped her decode the message. 

Betty got everyone out of the hall by setting off the fire alarm, thus, ruining the killer’s plan. The episode concluded with the killer calling her. Who the heck is it?!

What did you think of all the action? 

Sound off below!
