Monday, November 27, 2017

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 4 Recap: Kim Zolciak Returns!!!

Sheree Whitfield knew that she had to drop some huge bombshells on her children during The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 4, but she had to make everything right. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online, you will know that she has been struggling to speak to her kids about the true extent of the abuse she suffered at the hands of her vile ex-husband, Bob. 

“I am still not ready to have this conversation with the kids,” she admitted with a sigh to the camera. She was on a time limit to tell the kids because her life coach set her one. 

While Sheree sat on the revelations, she attended a class with Kenya Moore in an attempt to rebuild their friendship and get back to a good place. Kenya was quick to invite Sheree to her PSA she was working on about domestic violence. 

“Sheree and I have something in common. We are both survivors of domestic violence,” Kenya said to the camera. Maybe these two will be friends before we know it. 

Meanwhile, in the land of Porsha, she was still not talking to Lauren after the big fight about finances and the new salon. Lauren later appeared and admitted she was the one in the wrong. 

“I’m your sister. I love you,” Porsha replied. They talked it out, and Porsha claimed Lauren would always have a job for her. How long will this last?

Nene got ready to throw another big party, but she did not want Porsha to be invited. Nene then revealed that Porsha sent her some messages to find out why she hated her. 

“Porsha is on my ‘I don’t give a f–k’ list,” NeNe laughed to the camera. Okay then. 

Nene was shocked when she realized that Kim was at the party. If you’ve been keeping score at home, they are very much against each other these days, but they were apparently a little closer during the early filming of Season 10. 

“Kim Zolciak is that you?” Nene shouted. “Bitch, hello,” Kim said as they embraced.

“I never know how NeNe is going to receive me. She’ll either punch me, or she’ll love me,” Kim said to the camera.

When everyone started talking about Kenya’s new husband, Kim was quick to point out that he was a figment of her imagination. 

“You’re never going to meet him because he don’t exist,” Kim yelled. 

Kenya was not interested in Kim’s crazy words, so she told her to keep her mouth shut. 

“It’s all a f–king lie, bitch,” Kim said with a scary look on her face. 

“Worry about your life and the daughter you pimp out for John Legend tickets,” Moore said. “See if who’s d— she’ll suck for John Legend tickets, bitch. Worry about pimping your daughter out bitch.”

Yes, Kim flipped the eff out, and the two women became embroiled in a fist fight. It’s all class with the Real Housewives. 

“Let me tell you something bitch,” Kim yelled. 

What did you think of all the action?

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