Friday, November 3, 2017

Kevin Spacey Accused of Harassment By 8 House of Cards Employees

Earlier this week, fans were shocked by allegations that Kevin Spacey had sexually assaulted a fellow actor at a 1986 cast party.

After the accusation went public, Spacey attempted to deflect attention by coming out as gay, and man who have worked with the actor hinted that his harassment of Anthony Rapp was not an isolated incident.

Today, we’re learning more about Spacey’s scandalous past thanks charges levelled by 8 current or former employees of the Netflix series House of Cards.

For five seasons, Spacey has drawn rave reviews for his performance as conniving politician Frank Underwood on the show.

In response to the allegations against him Netflix not only canceled House of Cards, but called for an immediate halt to production on the show’s sixth season, which was filming at the time.

Now, several crew members who worked with Spacey on the series have issued stunning allegations about the 58-year-old’s behavior on set.

“I have no doubt that this type of predatory behavior was routine for him and that my experience was one of many and that Kevin had few if any qualms about exploiting his status and position,” said one staffer, who alleged that he’d been assaulted by Spacey.

“It was a toxic environment for young men who had to interact with him at all in the crew, cast, background actors.”

The former production assistant alleged that he was groped by Spacey while driving the actor to set.

“I was in a state of shock,” he told CNN.

“He was a man in a very powerful position on the show and I was someone very low on the totem pole and on the food chain there.”

In response to the latest allegations, Netflix issued a statement assuring users that execs had done everything in their power to assure that no further abuse takes place on the House of Cards set.

“Netflix was just made aware of one incident, five years ago, that we were informed was resolved swiftly,” said a rep for the streaming service.

“On Tuesday, in collaboration with MRC, we suspended production, knowing that Kevin Spacey wasn’t scheduled to work until Wednesday. Netflix is not aware of any other incidents involving Kevin Spacey on-set,” the statement continued.

On Thursday, Spacey checked into a treatment center to undergo therapy.

He has not responded publicly to this latest round of allegations.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.
