Monday, February 26, 2018

Jessa Duggar: SLAMMED For Endangering Children!

Back in October of 2016, Jessa Duggar posted photos of her “messy” house in an effort to demonstrate to fans that despite her wealth and fame, she understands the challenges of raising young children.

And she was promptly roasted to a crisp by an army of angry mom-shamers.

Fans slammed Jessa for raising her children in unsafe conditions.

They cited dirty dishes and a full diaper pail as risk factors that could potentially make her two sons sick.

Jessa didn’t respond, but her most devoted followers came to her defense, rightly arguing that the house really wasn’t in all that terrible of a state.

One would think that after being mess shamed by thousands of concern trolls, Jessa would refrain from posting any photos or videos of her house for a while.

But earlier this week, she proved that the haters can’t get her down by sharing this video of her youngest son, Henry:

“Henry discovered a new game last night,” Jessa catpioned the pic.

As a sort of preemptive response to the inevitable backlash, Jessa assured fans that steps were taken to ensure Henry’s safety:

“(And daddy came to aid by moving hard objects from the fall zone and padding the area with pillows and blankets),” she wrote.

But not surprisingly, fans still saw cause for concern:

“What he is doing is potentially dangerous though,” wrote one follower.

“Plus it is teaching the wrong way to use a slide. He chews on tags, water bottle caps, misuses the slide. SMH, can’t they parent these kids?!!!”

The comment refers to a recent incident in which Henry was seen chewing on a tube of ointment in a brief online video.

This is the second child endangerment controversy in as many weeks for Jessa, who was recently criticized for allegedly allowing her children to play near a busy highway.

In actuality, the children were playing under adult supervision in Jessa’s backyard, but the house is situated near a highway, which was all the ammo fans needed to launch a full-scale assault on her parenting abilities.

We’re guessing Jessa will probably be taking a break from Instagram sometime in the near future.

Watch Counting On online in order to get caught up in time for tonight’s season premiere.
