Friday, February 2, 2018

Rob Kardashian: Troubling Tweet Leaves Fans Concerned

Rob Kardashian has been keeping a low profile lately, and that’s probably for the best.

Rob’s breakup with Blac Chyna was disastrous for everyone involved, and his behavior in the wake of the split didn’t do any favors for his reputation.

In fact, if Rob had posted revenge porn and publicly harassed his ex just a few months later, he likely would’ve found himself officially “cancelled” as another deserving casualty of the #MeToo era.

Rob was never as public as his spotlight-loving sisters, but after re-introducing himself to the public with the help of Chyna, it seemed he was once again willing and able to play an acitve role in the family media empire.

These days, however, he’s back to his old reclusive self, and fans are concerned.

The troubled 30-year-old occasionally pops up on social media, but his messages are often cryptic – and occasionally troubling.

“I miss u so much Rob,” a fan tweeted to Rob this week.

The former reality star responded with two words that have some fans deeply concerned.

“Me too,” he wrote.

Interesting choice of words, but we’re assuming Rob didn’t intend any sort of topical commentary.

Rob’s succinct tweet is being dissected by media outlets, some of whom see it as a cry for help.

He may have intended to say that he misses his fans as much as they miss him.

But what he wrote may suggest something different – that Rob “misses” himself, or his old way of life.

Little is known about how Rob occupies himself these days, but a People magazine profile from back in December paints a portrait of a man at the end of his rope, holding on only for the sake of his young daughter.

“He only cares about Dream and loves spending time with her, but that’s about it,” an insider told the magazine.

“He doesn’t seem excited about anything else.”

Yes, it sounds as though Rob has lapsed back into the depression that previously cost him his health and damaged every relationship in his life.

Here’s hoping he’s once again able to find the sort of help that works for him.
