Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Wendy Williams: Travis Scott WILL Leave Kylie Jenner! He"s Already Cheating!

On February 1st, Kylie Jenner welcomed her baby girl into the world. The precious newborn is named Stormi Webster, taking the (real) last name of her father, rapper Travis Scott.

Though some had questioned what role Kylie’s boyfriend and baby daddy would play in Stormi’s life, Travis made it clear that he’s going to be there for Kylie and for his daughter.

But that hasn’t stopped Wendy Williams from predicting that he’ll leave Kylie by the summer. In fact, she thinks he might be cheating on Kylie already.

Just a little over a week before Stormi Webster’s birth, Wendy Williams claimed that Travis Scott had dumped Kylie. At least, that she figured that he had.

The way that Wendy Williams looks at things, Travis Scott is a young man with a reasonably successful music career.

When Kylie got pregnant, he’d only been dating her for, what? A month at the most?

For most people, an unplanned pregnancy with a teenager (Kylie was 19 at the time, folks) you barely know is nearly a worst-case scenario. Especially when a potential fatherhood might derail your touring schedule.

And, to be fair, Travis Scott did continue to tour during 2017, during Kylie’s pregnancy. With Kylie out of the public eye, many wondered if perhaps the couple had very quietly split.

Wendy Williams went on to proclaim that perhaps Travis had already left Kylie.

“Like, the condom split, she took the test and was probably like, ‘Oh my god, what do I do now? Travis!’ He’s like, ‘No, I’m a rock star."”

She then imagined what he might have said to Kylie while leaving her.

“‘You got plenty of money on your own, figure it out … I’ll pay child support from afar."”

For his part, Travis Scott was furious and hurt that Wendy called him a deadbeat.

Then, of course, Kylie gave birth to Stormi, shared the news, and shared a video of secret pregnancy footage that went back months and months.

In that video, fans can clearly see that Travis is a supportive partner.

Not only is he affectionate (seen kissing Kylie’s baby bump around Christmas), he’s there for Kylie (and, frankly, for himself) at Kylie’s various ultrasounds and doctor’s appointments along the way.

It was clear that Travis Scott was excited about becoming a father.

It was clear that Travis Scott isn’t a deadbeat dad and has no intention of becoming one.

But that hasn’t stopped Wendy Williams.

“People are saying Travis Scott, her boyfriend — for now — is a changed man, mmhmm.”

She’s referring to TMZ‘s report that Travis Scott is a changed man, exciting about being a parent to precious Stormi Webster.

“Well, here’s my thought, don’t tell the young lady: He will flee the scene by summer.”

That’s a bold claim. And we’re not super clear on where it’s coming from.

“Or before! As a matter of fact, he might be lampin’ in the cut with the new girl right now watching our show, hey, how you doin’?”

Having doubts about Travis Scott when the news first broke was understandable.

Plenty of people put themselves in his shoes and went “oh, that’s the last thing he needs; he must have at least thought about skipping out.”

But for someone to still be insisting, in the face of all evidence to the contrary, that Travis Scott is going to run off and never look back?

Best case scenario, maybe she figures that a breakup is usually a safe bet for young couples, and especially for young celebrity couples. The odds are certainly stacked against Kylie and Travis staying together forever.

Some suggest a worst case scenario — that Wendy Williams has some alarming internalized racism that’s given her troubling ideas about the world.

More likely, though, Wendy Williams is saying terrible and inflammatory things about famous people because … that’s what she does for a living.
