Monday, February 5, 2018

Jenelle Evans: SLAMMED For Putting Child In Danger!

The Teen Mom landscape is littered with some of the worst parents ever to allow a camera crew to document their awfulness.

So in a way, it’s impressive that Jenelle Evans is universally considered to be the absolute worst mom in a franchise known for its terrible moms.

Of course, in every other way, it’s just super depressing.

Jenelle’s parenting comes under fire not only when she does dumb things on TV, but also when she does dumb things on social media … which is a near-daily occurrence.

Quite understandably, the criticism against Jenelle is loudest when she appears to put her children in danger.

In the past we’ve seen Evans’ kids in boats without life jackets.

We’ve seen them riding in cars without wearing seatbelts.

We’ve even seen Jenelle take a toddler to the beach during a hurricane.

But Evans’ latest instance of numbskull parenting might be her most egregious to date:

In a now-deleted Instagram post, Jenelle posted a video that showed her 3-year-old son Kaiser riding on an ATV without wearing a helmet.

“I wouldn’t even let my kids ride a bike without a helmet, much less an atv,” wrote one concerned follower.

“A lot of stuff gets criticized with Jenelle that I take with a grain of salt but this is pretty scary,” commented another.

“Didn’t they also take him on the boat with no life jacket? This is really bad,” remarked a third.

One IG user even shared a tale of firsthand experience with the dangers of ATVs:

“My husband is permanently f–ked up because he was riding on one of these too fast. Flipped, and it ran over him. This is so irresponsible,” the commenter wrote.

To be clear – no one is saying that Jenelle can’t have her kids ride on an ATV that’s driven by an adult.

(Three is pretty damn young for that, but it’s her decision to make.)

What they are saying is that people of any age shouldn’t be riding on ATVs without helmets, and it’s especially idiotic to put a young child at risk in that way.

As we said, in a rare moment of self-awareness, Jenelle took the post down, but don’t expect an apology.

That might mean putting her Worst Mom Ever title at risk.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Jenelle’s seriously questionable parenting.
