Monday, February 5, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Fans Think They Know Her Baby"s Name!

Last year, it appeared that Kylie Jenner had gotten a butterfly tattoo for Travis Scott. Most people didn’t think much of it. But then came the news of Kylie Jenner’s pregnancy.

Now that Kylie has welcomed her baby girl, everyone wants to know what this precious girl’s name will be.

But … has Kylie already revealed it through some not-so-subtle “hints?”

On May 27th, 2017, Kylie Jenner tweeted out a butterfly emoji with no commentary.

(I don’t know what kind of butterfly — it’s blue. Probably not a Xerxes Blue, since those are tragically extinct)

Kylie’s apparent obsession with butterflies during the summer of 2017 wasn’t exactly a secret. In fact, fans knew about that long before news of Kylie’s pregnancy was leaked.

Since Kylie gave birth on February 1st, her date of conception is estimated as having been between May 6th and May 10th (perhaps as early as May 5th).

Was it on May 27th that Kylie learned that she was pregnant? Was the butterfly emoji her way of marking the occasion?

Butterflies came up again in Kylie Jenner’s baby video.

On top of showing our first glimpse of Chicago West, showing Kylie’s baby bump in its many stages, and showing Kylie’s life and friends and family and giving us a hint of her actually giving birth …

… We also see a lot of butterflies.

The camera zooms in on Kylie’s butterfly necklace.

Kylie’s nursery is covered in butterflies. Seriously. It’s like an over-the-top supervillain lair for a butterfly-motif comics character.

Also, you know, you get to see the baby kick.

Some point out that perhaps, for Kylie, a butterfly is merely representative of pregnancy. It’s an apt metaphor.

Within a cocoon, a caterpillar liquefies and transforms and grows until it breaks free as a butterfly and starts its new life.

Kylie’s baby girl transformed from a single-celled zygote into an extremely tiny human while in Kylie’s uterus.

One could also look at the butterfly motif as representative of Kylie’s own transformation from a teen girl (yeah, she’s 20, but she got pregnant at 19) to a new mother.

But many can’t help but wonder if there’s more than just symbolism at play here.

Here’s the thing, folks:

That whole video thing that Kylie had made and released after she gave birth?

The way that people talk in it, it’s designed for her little baby to see when she’s old enough to, you know, understand that there’s more to the world than feeding and discomfort. (Because, honestly, that’s pretty much it for newborns)

So, are Kylie and Travis planning to show their little baby this video and then explain the metaphor behind why their nursery was decorated with a bunch of bugs?

Maybe. Or maybe … they’re planning on naming their daughter Butterfly.

It would be an odd choice, because Kylie Jenner is terrified of butterflies.

Maybe she overcame her fear with Travis and links that to their relationship and maybe to their baby?

We sure don’t know.

Hopefully, Kylie will announce her baby’s name soon. It may be Butterfly, as so many fans suspect. It may be something else.

Regardless, keep in mind that Kylie’s baby will definitely, definitely be able to afford a name change.
