Friday, February 23, 2018

Farrah Abraham to MTV: Cancel Both Teen Mom Shows NOW!

It could be the end of a very lucrative era for MTV.

After more than a decade of squabbling and seriously questionable parenting decisions, it looks as though Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 may soon come to an end.

And Farrah Abraham couldn’t be happier about it.

Here’s a brief recap of recent events in case you missed the string of controversies that left the futures of both series in question.

It all started when Jenelle Evans posed with a gun and her husband, David Eason, posted the photo on his Instagram page.

If you’ve been alive at all in the past week, you’re probably aware that guns are a bit of thorny issue in America these days.

The photo was not well received, and David proceeded to make things much, much worse by tossing homophobic slurs at Teen Mom 2 fans who dared to question his judgment.

And the Easons aren’t the only thorn in MTV’s side these days.

Farrah Abraham is suing her former employers for “sex-shaming” her by refusing to allow her to continue to be an internet “cam girl.”

In all likelihood, a judge will inform Farrah that employers have every right to dismiss you if they feel your second job is interfering with your ability to perform your first.

There’s virtually no way for Farrah to win this lawsuit, and she probably knows that.

But she also knows this is bad publicity that the franchise can scarcely afford at this point.

That’s why she’s seizing her present opportunity to drive a final nail into Teen Mom’s coffin.

Last night, Farrah tweeted a link to a petition asking MTV to cancel all projects related to the Teen Mom shows or 16 and Pregnant.


Believe or not, the typo and the all-caps headline are not Farrah’s and can actually be found on the petition page, too.

That may be one of the reasons that the petition has only received 139 signatures thus far.

Needless to say, MTV probably isn’t too concerned about Farrah’s social media influence.

But that doesn’t mean they’re not worried about the futures of their two most popular shows.

Watch Teen Mom OG online to witness Farrah’s ridiculous hijnks while you still can.
