Friday, February 9, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: Caitlyn Jenner Will NEVER See My Baby!

This is such a great time in Khloe Kardashian’s life, right?!

She’s in a solid relationship with Tristan Thompson, and she’s pregnant with her first child.

Her career is on fire, if you count allowing camera crews to film your every move as a career.

She seems really and truly happy, and it’s been so lovely to see.

Unfortunately, despite all those good things, things aren’t perfect for Khloe.

Even though things ended badly between them, she has to be missing Caitlyn Jenner during this time, right?

After all, Caitlyn had a hand in raising her, and she was definitely a father figure for her for many, many years. To be starting a family without her own father or Caitlyn around has got to be tough.

But, Khloe admitted in a new interview, she’s not going to make amends with Caitlyn just because she’s having a baby.

During an appearance on a U.K. talk show called Lorraine, Khloe was asked about Caitlyn, and if having a baby would affect the relationship they have now.

(Which, to be clear, is nonexistent.)

“I don’t think that affects anything with Caitlyn,” she answered.

“No?” the reporter asked. “Things are just …”

“Yeah, just as they are,” she finished.

She also laughed after saying that, so maybe cutting ties with her former stepfather hasn’t been as difficult for her as we’d imagined.

Or maybe she’s just used to it — it has been a good long while now since things were cool between Caitlyn Jenner and the Kardashians.

Though they were once extremely close, they’ve been having issue for a few years now, ever since Caitlyn announced her plans to transition in 2015.

That fall, Khloe admitted in an interview that she had “a hard time” with that because she found out on camera. She said that they’d been asking her what had been happening, but she was never honest with them.

“We felt like we were the last to know, especially me,” she said.

She said in an interview in January of 2016 that the first time she and her sisters even heard about Caitlyn’s plans to transition was in a meeting with E! — the network mentioned that they were developing a show about the whole thing.

“I don’t give a f-ck what you want to do — just stop lying to us about things,” she said.

Caitlyn has said that after that interview, Khloe stopped talking to her, even though she claimed that she never lied to her.

As we saw on Keeping Up with the Kardashians, they did try to work things out, but when Cait released her memoir last spring, it pretty much destroyed any hope she had at a relationship with Khloe and her older sisters.

Back in November, she revealed that the Kardashians “don’t talk to me anymore,” and that “they don’t want me in their lives.”

And judging by Khloe’s statements in this new interview, that’s definitely accurate.

Here’s hoping that somehow, someway, Khloe and Caitlyn can patch things up in time for Caitlyn to meet her latest grandchild!
