Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Kendall Jenner: Dunked on by Blake Griffin Baby Mama!

In his prime, Blake Griffin was one of the best dunkers in NBA history.

But the formerly high-flying power forward and his very famous girlfriend just got slammed, rejected and flagrantly fouled by Griffin’s multiple-time baby mama.

Allow us to explain…

Griffin and Kendall Jenner have been a romantic item for several months, although they have most kept their relationship on the down low.

Kendall has never acted like any of her siblings when it comes to pursuing love; good luck finding any pictures of her and Blake on Instagram, for example.

But the mere act of Jenner now boning Griffin is enough to bother Brynn Cameron, the mother of Griffin’s two children.

As previously reported, Kendall thought Griffin had ended his engagement to Cameron when the two started dating – but it’s become apparent that things may not have been so black and white.

A great deal of tension still exists between Griffin and Cameron, who were together for eight years.

How much tension?

Let’s put it this way: Cameron just sued her ex for palimony!

In legal documents obtained by TMZ, Cameron accuses Griffin of abandoning his family for Jenner.

She even refers to the recent trade of Blake from the Clippers to the Pistons in her filing, mentioning how Los Angeles broke its promise to Griffin that he would be on its team “for life.”

Reads the lawsuit:

“Griffin himself knows very well what breaching promises is all about.

“After all, Griffin had no problem trading Brynn Cameron, his former fiancee, and the mother of his 2 children, for reality television star Kendall Jenner.”

The lawsuit was filed this morning and it cites multiple pledges Griffin supposedly made to Cameron about how he’d always take care of her.

It claims he even told Cameron to quit her sports marketing and interior design jobs.

Moreover, the papers include love letters “Blakey” sent to “Brynnie,” discussing how he’s always loved and how he’s sorry he ever took her for “granted.”

Not as sorry as he’s about to be, however, Cameron basically goes on to say.

“Cameron was not just the mother of Griffin’s children and their caregiver, she was also a constant support for Griffin,” the lawsuit alleges, going on to hilariously list all Brynn says she did for Griffin.

She was “his personal assistant, meal planner, scheduler, stylist, publicist, party planner, nurse, nutritionist, branding expert, therapist, cheerleader, basketball and fitness consultant, and more.”

We don’t know exactly how much money Cameron is seeking here.

But Griffin signed a $ 173 million contract this past NBA off-season. The guy is loaded.

And she’s probably counting on him just wanting this bad press to go away, considering some of the lines included in the lawsuit.

“Griffin cared more about the glamour of dating a Hollywood celebrity than the day-to-day responsibilities of being a father and family man,” it reads, adding of Cameron’s current situation:

“While Griffin is continuing to earn millions from his NBA and endorsement deals, Cameron and their children are homeless and cash-strapped.

“In Griffin’s absence, Cameron’s brother has had to provide Cameron and the children with financial support.”

It’s worth noting that Cameron is also the mother to a son fathered by former Heisman Trophy winner and first round bust of a draft pick, Matt Leinart.

She thinks he’s a terrible father, too.
