Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Jessa Duggar & Ben Seewald: Slammed For Endagering Kids AGAIN!

It’s been a full year since Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald welcomed their second child, and the couple has been subjected to a non-stop torrent of criticism ever since. 

Part of the problem is that Jessa and Ben are members of the famous/infamous Duggar clan, meaning their every move is dissected in search of potential controversies.

But part of the problem is that Jessa and Ben really do make some questionable decisions as parents.

When fans criticize Jessa’s messy home, that’s a case in which their just zeroing in on minor Duggar controversies for target practice so that they’ll be ready to take aim when something major happens.

When folks are worried that Jessa’s not properly homeschooling her kids, that might come from a place of genuine concern.

We’ll leave it up to you decide which category the most recent mini-scandal falls into.

It all started when “fans” (read: stalkers) noticed something interesting about Jessa and Ben’s address.

Apparently, a glance at Google Maps reveals that ther house is located right next to a stretch of Interstate 49 that’s known to be one of the most dangerous in the country.

The aerial view also reveals that the Seewalds don’t have a fence around their property.

Naturally, these facts sent Duggar obsessives into a tizzy.

But the question remains – are they worried about the safety of toddler Spurgeon and baby Henry, or do they just enjoy ragging on Jessa and Ben?

Not surprisingly, this is far from the first parenting controversy the Seewalds have been involved in in recent weeks.

In an Instagram story posted last week Jessa shared an Instagram story in which eldest son Spurgeon reads a book.

(This may have been in response to claims that her children are not being properly educated.)

The video showed Henry playing in what appeared to be a clean and empty fireplace.

Despite the fact that the child was in no immediate danger, Jessa’s followers absolutelt lost their mnds.

“Am I the only one who noticed the baby playing in the fireplace?!” one commenter wrote.

“So cute. But the baby at the fireplace,” remarked another

“Meanwhile, the baby is playing with the fireplace!!” a third commented.

Yes, such is life for Jessa Duggar.

You’d think she would just make her social media accounts private, but then she wouldn’t be doing her part to promote the family brand.

Watch Counting On online for more on Jessa and Ben’s controversial parenting techniques.
