Friday, February 2, 2018

Kylie Jenner Has Picked Out a Baby Name!

Anybody have big plans for the weekend? We know that a certain makeup mogul does! Because Kylie Jenner’s due date is this Sunday.

That doesn’t mean that she’ll give birth on the 4th, but a new report tells us all about Kylie’s plans for after she has her baby.

For one thing, she has picked out a name.

People reports that Kylie Jenner has gotten accustomed to her life of seclusion.

“She very much enjoys being out of the spotlight and can’t wait to spend quiet time with the baby.”

After spending more than half of her life as one of the most famous girls on the planet, we can absolutely understand that.

Plus, you know, though the world has recently seen Kylie Jenner’s baby bump, she tried to hide it for a long, long time.

“She doesn’t seem in any rush to get back to a more public life.”

That’s probably in part out of respect for her baby’s privacy. But maybe she just likes taking a nice, long break from being omnipresent on socail media.

The biggest news, arguably, is that Kylie Jenner has picked out a baby name.

Rumor had it that Kylie was feuding with Kim over a baby name that they both liked — one of the perils when three sisters have babies in the same year, we suppose.

(Per that report, Kylie was really drawn to the name “Love.” Since Kim’s new baby is Chicago West, should we assume that Kylie got the name “Love” … or has Kylie moved on from that name to something else?)

We wouldn’t suggest holding your breath for Kylie to share that.

In fact, People says that Kylie doesn’t even plan on cashing in on her baby.

“She is not selling baby pictures.”

If you’re concerned that Kylie loves her life of seclusion so much that she’s thinking of becoming a millionaire hermit at 20, you probably don’t need to worry.

“Being out of the spotlight has helped Kylie prepare for the baby, but she is also thinking about her life after giving birth.”

And her plans definitely include, you know, leaving the house.

“She will take things as they come, but she’s excited to get back out there and have fun again”

Obviously, even with unlimited resources and a hefty support network for child care, Kylie’s lifestyle will never go back to the way that it was.

People’s source talks about how Kylie’s pregnancy has altered her relationship with her family.

In particular, with one sister.

“She’s always been closest to [Khloe Kardashian], but this pregnancy has helped her bond with Kourtney.”

That makes sense — Kourtney is by far the most experienced mom. Well, except for Kris.

“She thinks Kourtney is an amazing hands-on mom, and that’s how she wants to be.”

We’re not sure if this report is glossing over Kylie’s alleged points of contention with Kim, or if previous reports about squabbles between the two most financially successful sisters have been exaggerated.

It sounds like Kylie is planning to prioritize the privacy of her baby. That makes sense.

Kylie was the youngest of Kris’ children and she was suddenly catapulted to stardom with the launch of Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

It wasn’t always the best experience for her. Growing up on TV is very different from becoming famous at a time of your choosing. Maybe she wants better than that for her child.

We are eager to know what sort of naming convention Kylie is going to pick. This is a huge choice that could impact her baby for life.
