Monday, February 19, 2018

Celebrity Big Brother Recap: Did Omarosa Save Herself?

Brandi Glanville threw a hinky vote towards Shannon on Friday’s eviction episode of Celebrity Big Brother. 

This immediately cast a dark cloud over her life in the Big Brother house. 

“I’m feeling very sad and very disappointed,” Ari revealed to viewers at the top of the latest hour. “I’m not sure I can trust Brandi anymore.”

Ari wasted no time in telling their allies all about Brandi’s vote. It was shocking just how quickly everyone turned on the former The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star.

Back at the HOH competition, Omarosa knew she was the next big target in the house, and she wanted to fight to stay in the game. 

“Shannon has just been evicted,” Omarosa revealed in a  confessional. “Which means the house will be looking for a new target. I want to make sure that target is not Lady O.”

The houseguests battled it out and held on to a wall in the first big endurance battle of the season. It came down to Brandi, Omarosa, and James. 

This had the potential to put Brandi back on good terms with her alliance. It’s not like they would have trashed her if she had the power to take any of them out, right?

Unfortunately for Brandi, it was not meant to be. She dropped off of the wall, and Omarosa and James got talking. Omarosa recognized that she and James were in a similar spot in the game. 

She promised she would keep him off the block because she had her mind set on some other targets. This was enough for James to let go and throw the competition to the former Apprentice star. 

After the competition, Brandi is put on blast by her fellow allies. They figured Brandi was trying to secure a jury vote from Shannon. Jury management is everything, you guys!

Brandi decided she was done with everyone and claimed she wanted out of the alliance. 

“You’re the one that did something; we didn’t do it,” Ross tells her. “We need a second to digest this.”

What followed was Brandi isolating herself from her allies because she was mad. In her eyes, she hadn’t done anything wrong. Shannon still went home. 

Her allies realized they needed the numbers so they had to go and make things right with Brandi. They did so, and all seemed to go well.

Omarosa, Celebrity Big Brother Season 1

While this was going down, Omarosa was busy wheeling and dealing to craft an alliance with her, Metta, James, and Mark. Omarosa is after the pairs, so even with the looming veto twist, she should be able to break one of them up. 

“If Mark is a floater, then Metta is an oversized rubber ducky,” she revealed. “If I don’t tie him down he’ll float away.”

Omarosa chats with Marissa and Ari, and the two ladies throw Brandi’s name out there. Yes, the alliance clearly is not in good shape. 

Omarosa nominated Ross and Brandi for eviction. 

Who do you want to leave?

Hit the comments. 

Celebrity Big Brother continues tonight on CBS. 
