Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Counting On Recap: Fear and Loathing in Tontitown

Counting On is back, baby, and the Tontitown, Arkansas crew has more than a few surprises in store for us this season on TLC.

Actually, probably not. These are the Duggars, people.

You all know what you’re getting at this point (courting, babies being made) and much of the best gossip is what you read OFF the air.

Still, they got a new season and we’re covering it here.

So if you’re looking for all the latest news on which Duggars crushed their competition in a high-stakes game of frisbee golf, you’ve come to the right place!

On last night’s season premiere, Joy and Austin took a trip in the aftermath of their wedding, as Joe and Kendra prepared for their own.

When Counting On Season 6 Episode 1 got underway, the Forsyths had recently exchanged vows in front of 1,000 of their closest friends and family members.

Joy and Austin high-tailed it to Switzerland after their wedding, and they had nothing but good things to say about their honeymoon (which also happened to mark the first time they were permitted to spend time alone together … ever).

“Being in a different country away from family I think helped us,” Joy told the cameras at one point.

Joy-Anna welcomed her first child earlier this week, and we now know that she got pregnant on her honeymoon.

So we think we know what she means when she says it was good to get her away from her parents and 47,000 siblings for a few days.

“Now that we’re finally married and we don’t have a chaperone, it is a lot different,” Austin explained.

“It is pretty cool that we can just go places on our own and we don’t have to have someone watching us. It is pretty amazing.”

Something tells us he’s not talking about their hike through the Alps.

As for what exactly went on when the Forsyths were left unchaperoned, well Austin’s not talking.

“I think I’m going to have to plead the fifth,” he told producers as Joy let out a hearty laugh.

It’s okay, guys. The recent arrival of baby Gideon tells us all we need to know.

Needless to say, the jaunt to Europe was a transformative experience for the Forsyths.

Of course, back in the States, it’s not all smooth sailing for the newlyweds.

Joy and Austin set up shop in a trailer and helped out at his family’s summer camp to pass the time until renovations were finished on their new home.

Basically, we watched Joy whip up lots of eggs in very close quarters.

We’ll leave it up to you to decide if there’s any symbolic significance there.

Of course, the Forsyths weren’t the only ones starting new lives in new locales.

Last night, we saw the whole family band together to help Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo move into their first house.

“We’re all gonna help Jinger and Jeremy move out of their apartment and into their first home,” Jessa told the cameras at one point.

Wait, are apartments not homes now?

8.5 million residents of New York City beg to differ, Jessa!

Anyway, there was some drama regarding bookshelves and back-splashes, but ultimately, the whole thing went off without a hitch.

And once again, Jana earned the title of “the Cinderella Duggar” by putting in about twice as much work as anyone else.

Meanwhile, back home in Tontitown, planning for the wedding of Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell was well underway.

This meant not only getting the final details in order with regard to matters like ceremony decor (Kendra helpfully offered that she likes “happy things”) but also spending some time with the future in-laws.

This meant a rousing round of frisbee golf (of “frolf,” if you prefer).

Fortunately, Joe played it cool and didn’t completely annihilate Kendra’s parents.

These days Kendra is pregnant with her and Joe’s first baby, which means the procreation race is really heating up.

It seems unlikely that anyone will get their breed on quite like Jim Bob and Michelle, but never say never!

“We’ll see,” Joy says, when asked if she’d like to have 19 kids of her own.

And the coy smile she flashes the camera speaks volumes.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most fertile family.
