Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Dina Manzo Attacks Kylie Jenner: Try Being a Role Model for Once!

When most people learn that someone else gave birth to a baby, they offer congratulations.

Maybe some advice.

But when Dina Manzo learned that Kylie Jenner had become a first-time mother last week, she chose instead to deliver a rather harsh critique of the reality star.

As most celebrity gossip fans know by now, Kylie welcomed a daughter into the world on February 1.

She did so mostly in secret, having remained both quiet and out of the spotlight for the duration of her pregnancy.

She finally announced the arrival of her first child with Travis Scott via a fairly long and emotional statement this past Sunday.

It read, in part, “I’m sorry for keeping you in the dark through all the assumptions,” as she addressed the controversy over her lengthy silence on this issue.

“I knew for myself I needed to prepare for this role of a lifetime in the most positive, stress free, and healthy way I knew how,” added Kylie. “I chose to do it this way for my little life and our happiness.”

Read the full statement here:

kj statement

It’s actually pretty mature and insightful.

In our opinion, at least.

But not in the opinion of Manzo.

“Congrats Kylie on your baby girl,” Tweeted the former Real Housewives of New Jersey cast member shortly after Kylie’s birth announcement.

It would have been fine if she had stopped there, of course.

“But maybe think about putting out a “don’t try this at home” kinda thing for your very young fans that look up to you,” she added, concluding:

“Having a baby at 20 is not all silk PJ’s & flower walls~Most kids don’t have the $ and support you’re fortunate enough to have.”

manzo tweet

This seems to be a reference to footage Kylie shared of a baby shower in November that included an endless array of pink roses, along with female guests in expensive pajamas.

The ex-Bravo star is not wrong about how being a mother is a major responsibility.

But Jenner does seem to acknowledge this in the above statement.

Her entire point here is basically that she remained away from the public eye specifically to get ready, on her own terms, for the role of parenthood.

There’s A LOT about which one can criticize the Kardashians and Jenners.

It’s certainly weird, for example, that Kylie, Kim, Khloe and Rob have ALL had children out of wedlock.

But we’re not certain it’s Kylie’s job here to try and thwart other unwanted, young pregnancies around the globe.

She comes across in this statement and in general as someone excited to be a first-time mother and someone aware that this is a very big deal.

What more does Dina want from her?

According to an E! News source, meanwhile, Jenner is fully embracing all aspects of having a newborn so far.

“Kylie’s first few days of motherhood have been the happiest of her life,” this insider says.

It’s important to remember, naturally, that E! benefits from propping of Kylie and her siblings, considering this network airs Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

Adds the website:

“She feels like being a mom is her true calling and there’s nothing that’s ever felt so right.

“Bringing the baby home has been the greatest joy and most sacred experience, she is elated and overjoyed.

“Kylie felt so ready to meet the baby and had been counting down the weeks for what felt like forever, she can’t believe she’s finally here and in her arms and this journey is beginning.”

What do you think of Manzo’s stance?

She Kylie’s priority here be making it clear to other 20-year olds that having a baby is not easy and they should act accordingly?
