Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Celebrity Big Brother Recap: A Twist Rocks the House!

It was only a matter of time before Celebrity Big Brother threw in some more twists to shake up the house. 

The latest of which involved a viewer vote that decided which special power the veto would possess. 

When the crazy episode kicked off, Omarosa’s plan to plant seeds of doubt around the house was working. 

This resulted in the mother of all arguments when Brandi accidentally exposed her four-person alliance to the rest of the house. Marissa was furious, but she had to just play along with it. 

What could she really do without painting an even bigger target on her back? 

The Veto competition found Brandi, Marissa, Metta World Peace, Ross, Omarosa and Mark McGrath duking it out to try and win. During the competition, however, it became apparent that Metta was not even trying. 

Instead, he was throwing his blocks around instead of creating the puzzle. Just when it seemed that Omarosa was going to slide into victory, Ross won. 

Thanks to the viewer vote, Ross could take a second person off the block. He took himself off and left Brandi up there. 

It quickly became clear why: Metta had already told the house he wanted to leave that night. If you keep up to speed with the live feeds, you will know the sporting champion has already attempted to break out of the house. 

Omarosa put Metta up next to Brandi on the block. Metta thanked everyone and pleaded with them to send him out the door. 

Brandi refused to campaign because she knew Metta was going. What followed was a dull elimination ceremony.

“I just want to say… Thank you, Metta, for wanting to go home,” Brandi said with a laugh. 

This is the second time a houseguest has wanted to go home. This eviction should have been fun because it was going to split up the four-person alliance. Instead, it was a dud because another houseguest wanted to quit. 

In any case, everything is up in the air as we head into the latest HOH competition. Omarosa will likely be left in the game a little while longer as the majority alliance will likely target James. 

It sure seemed like James, Mark and Omarosa were not working together. James and Mark seemed to be agreeing to work with her to save themselves, and it was only a short-term deal. 

What did you think of the latest episode of Celebrity Big Quitter?

Who do you want to win the game?

Sound off below. 

Celebrity Big Brother Continues Wednesday on CBS. 
