Thursday, February 1, 2018

Amber Portwood Debuts Baby Bump!

Even though Amber Portwood confirmed her pregnancy a while back, we actually saw her reveal that she’s expecting to her mom and cousin just this week, on the latest episode of Teen Mom OG.

But obviously, that episode was filmed months ago, and we haven’t really had a good real time view of Amber for a while.

Until now, that is, because Amber has debuted her baby bump. Take a look!

Right around Halloween, the world learned that Amber Portwood is pregnant again. Coming from Amber, that’s not exactly a horror story.

(Coming from some of the scarily bad Teen Mom stars, it would be)

Like Gary Shirley, we hope that this can be Amber’s new beginning.

Everyone hopes that she and Andrew Glennon can be great parents to this baby (and to Leah!) and maybe get a little better at managing her money.

But that’s in the future — Amber still has a long ways to go in her pregnancy.

But check out this baby bump!

Yes, we know that their height difference is a lot. It’s distracting.

Even though Amber Portwood is tiny at only 5-foot-4, Andrew Glennon is still legit tall. The dude is 6-foot-7. In another era, he would have been a king’s guard. Or perhaps a king.

In this era, he works in television, but studies have shown that their height difference stacks the odds in their favor when it comes to relationship longevity.

And yes, we know that it’s weird. So is romance. So is human nature.

Anyway, once you get past the height difference, check out that baby bump.

Andrew Glennon seems to be settling in and becoming a part of Amber Portwood’s family.

Not everyone is prepared to become a reality star overnight. Especially when it happens via a Teen Mom OG cast member.

(And especially since it’s rumored that Andrew Glennon, or at least his family, may be well off financially)

But Andrew’s taken to it like a duck to water. Mostly.

Some still say that Andrew Glennon may have acted improperly and seduced Amber when she was emotionally vulnerable, but … we’re not sure if that flies anymore.

They’re still together and this is clearly more than a fling.

As you may recall, this pregnancy wasn’t exactly planned. Amber and Andrew had only been dating for a matter of months when Amber became pregnant.

Even so, they’re making the best of it.

In late 2017, Amber announced that she’s expecting a boy.

She plans to name him James.

We don’t know the day that she’ll give birth — quite frankly, even the best due date is just a highly educated guess — but some speculate that she could give birth as early as May of this year.

Will Amber Portwood get things right this time, as a mother and as a partner?

Will Andrew Glennon stick around in this (still new) relationship long enough for little James Glennon to grow up with two parents?

For that matter, will Leah enjoy being a big sister or will the novelty of having a baby brother wear off quickly?

All that we can do is hope for the best.

The only thing that most fans can say with certainty is that this whole situation seems to be much, much better than anything from the days of that total creep, Matt Baier.
