Friday, March 2, 2018

Arrow Season 6 Episode 14 Recap: Collision Course

Black Siren is one of the sketchiest characters in all of DC TV. 

On Arrow Season 6 Episode 14, Dinah continued her mission to find and kill Laurel 2.0, and it resulted in one of the worst episodes of the series to date. 

When we picked up, Oliver was still in police custody and learning all of the information. He subsequently met up with his cabinet. 

There was a lot of uncertainty in the air because the money they gave to Cayden was well and truly missing. 

Oliver revealed to Lance and Thea that Dinah was not about to give up her fight to take down Laurel and that they needed to stop her before it was too late. 

Dinah dropped the bomb on Oliver that the money from the offshore account was gone, and this presented Oliver with a big issue: The city was going to fall apart if the money was not returned. 

Dinah knew Laurel was behind it and showed off footage from the security camera to prove as much. This further fueled Dinah’s rage towards the Earth-2 version of Laurel Lance. 

While everyone seemed to be on the lookout for Laurel, we learned that Lance still had her and was helping her recover from her gunshot wound. 

Lance kept Laurel’s whereabouts on the down low and even went as far as trying to help them find ways to capture her. 

He thought he was doing well, but then Thea followed him back to the lair and witnessed him helping the villain. 

The fractured Team Arrow met up at Dinah, Curtis and Rene’s hideout, and it became a big argument over who took Black Siren. 

The fight was pointless, but Rene managed to put a listening device on Oliver, so now they will be one step ahead of the game when trying to get ahead of their former allies. 

Thea got Laurel on the phone with Oliver, and she revealed that she would hand over the cash so long as Team Arrow helped her get well out of the country and away from Dinah’s clutches. 

Oliver, Diggle, and Felicity were on with the plan to help, but then Diggle’s bionic arm started acting up, and we got the reveal that Curtis was hacking it to get their location. 

Dinah and her friends appear, and a big fight ensues, but Curtis manages to persuade Dinah into not killing Black Siren. 

Rene was injured in the fight, and he had to be taken to the hospital, and it emerged that his injuries were severe. 

Oliver had to tell everyone on his cabinet that they may not even get the money back, so it might be best to just give up on it. 

In a final scene, Laurel was at a warehouse and asked for help from a worker under the pretense that she was kidnapped. 

What did you think of the episode?

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