Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Paris Jackson: I Smoke Weed & You Should Too!

Paris Jackson is no stranger to controversy.

She’s been famous since the day she was born, and the spotlight has only gotten more intense as she’s inched closer to adulthood.

Obviously, with 2.6 million followers on Instagram alone, Paris is subjected to more than her fair share of scrutiny and criticism, but for the most part, it seems she’s able to take it in stride.

Much of the concern-trolling over the course of the past year has had to do with the 19-year-old’s mental health.

Back in 2013, Paris attempted suicide, and some of her most obsessive fans have been keeping an eye out for red flags ever since.

Paris Jackson has struggled with addiction in the past, and since it was a lethal combination of prescription drugs that claimed her father’s life, her followers are often on the lookout for signs of substance abuse.

So when Paris posted an Instagram story in which she can be seen smoking pot, we suppose some backlash was to be expected.

What was less expected was the epic fashion in which Paris stood tall and clapped back at her haters.

One follower commented, “And what parent thinks its okay for their kid to smoke weed? Girl, you’re better than this & you know it.”

Paris was having none of it, and she let the “fan” know exactly what she thought of her unsolicited advice:

“I know of a few parents that actually rely on this amazing organic medicine to keep their children alive since the alternative pharmaceutical drugs that doctors were shoving down their throats was basically killing the poor little ones but hey, to each his own,” Jackson wrote.

“Try googling ‘narcotics’ ‘big pharma’ and then google ‘cbd’ then get back to me, i’ll be sitting here eating granola and watching scooby doo,” she added.

Yes, Paris clearly has strong views regarding the health benefits of cannabis and the dangers of prescription drugs.

We’re guessing many therapists would caution against a teen who’s already beaten addiction dabbling in different mind-altering substances, but Paris seems to be proceeding carefully.

At her young age, she’s already experienced the ravages of addiction firsthand, and according to those who know her best, that’s just one of the struggles that have made Paris wise beyond her years

Obviously, that doesn’t mean that Paris is immune to relapsing.

But it does mean that those of us who really don’t know her at all should probably withhold judgment and trust that she knows what she’s doing.
