Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Amber Portwood Reveals Her Baby"s Name

Way back at the beginning of the year, Amber Portwood revealed her baby’s name … sort of.

It wasn’t an official reveal or a full name, and she never actually confirmed much of anything about the child she’s having with Andrew Glennon.

Until now, that is. 

The Teen Mom OG Reunion was missing two of its stars.

Farrah Abraham was absent because, you know, she got fired from Teen Mom. That whole story was a huge mess. It’s the end of an era — the Farrah era — and we can all sleep a little easier.

Amber Portwood, in the mean time, has not been fired — but she still couldn’t attend the reunion special in person.

Why? Because she’s super pregnant with her second child.

Just because she wasn’t up to flying out didn’t mean that she couldn’t attend. She spoke and answered questions through FaceTime.

One Twitter user’s question got asked: “Amber I’ve been dying to know, have you picked out a name for the baby?”

Without a pause, Amber replied:

“His name is going to be James Andrew Glennon.”

She then goes on to explain that they’re naming their son after not only his baby daddy (obviously), Andrew Glennon, but after Andrew’s father.

IMDB notes that James Glennon “died unexpectedly on October 19, 2006, from a blood clot resulting from surgery for prostate cancer.”

If you’re wondering why Andrew Glennon’s dad’s death is described on IMDB instead of on some old obituary page from a newspaper, it’s because Andrew is not the first Glennon in show business.

James Glennon was a famous cinematographer, whose most recognizable works include About Schmidt and Deadwood.

Not for nothing, but James’ father, Bert Glennon, was also a world-famous cinematographer.

And James’ mother was Mary Coleman, a script supervisor.

As we all remember from when we first learned that Andrew and Amber were a couple, they only met because Andrew was working as a producer on Marriage Boot Camp.

James Andrew Glennon will carry the names of his father and grandfather.

At the risk of wishing him into a career months before he’s even expected to be born, one cannot help but wonder if Amber’s second child will go into the entertainment industry in some capacity.

Obviously, though, no child should ever be pushed into following in their parent’s footsteps.

None of Andrew’s children need to be involved in cinematography at all in their professional lives.

Just like none of Amber’s children need to, um, become parents while they’re in high school.

We’re not saying that those are equal things, we’re just saying that each person has a right to choose their own destiny.

Amber Portwood also used her FaceTime interview to refer to Andrew Glennon as “the best rebound ever.”

She laughed afterwards and was clearly, clearly joking.

(Sure, one could argue that Andrew is, by definition, a rebound, since Amber basicallys tormed away from Matt Baier and into Andrew’s arms, but it’s clear that they’re serious about each other)

Amber also says that her family has been really accepting of Andrew, which she says is a good sign.

Honestly, if Andrew could watch Amber flip out on Marriage Boot Camp before they were in a relationship and he was still crazy about her, he’s definitely a keeper.

if somebody’s seen you at your worst and loves you, that might be the real deal.
