Thursday, March 22, 2018

Jenelle Evans Isn"t Filming Teen Mom 2; Is She Fired Yet?

David Eason was fired from Teen Mom 2 after, entirely of his own accord, he launched into a very public, bigoted rant against the LGBT+ community.

Jenelle"s response has been nothing if not puzzling. She"s even gone so far as to say that she should have been fired before David

It"s very weird, and there have been a number of signs that have led fans to believe that she and MTV are going their separate ways.

Sources tell RadarOnline that Jenelle won"t be filming again any time soon, and that she also hasn"t filmed for a while.

But is Jenelle actually fired?

Costar Briana DeJesus is weighing in. Remember, folks — Briana is an actual friend of Jenelle"s.

And she has a lot to say about the whole situation.

Briana also teases that, given everything that"s been going on, this reunion will be bonkers. As in, even more explosive and meltdown-laden than usual. Which is saying something.

So … is Jenelle fired or what?

1. The story begins with a Twitter rant

Jenelle eason david eason photo

David Eason went on a massive anti-gay, anti-trans rant, and was promptly fired from MTV’s Teen Mom 2. But where does that leave his wife, Jenelle?

2. She’s in career limbo

Jenelle evans gun photo

Reportedly, Jenelle has not filmed for Teen Mom 2 since February.

3. And it looks like things are going to stay that way for a while

Jenelle and david top of the mountain

According to Radar’s source, “There are no plans to film with Jenelle for at least six weeks.”

4. And it doesn’t sound like there are concrete plans to put Jenelle back on camera.

Jenelle evans pregnant again

“There is no filming schedule with her right now,” the source reveals.

5. It sounds like Jenelle’s gambling her career for David … and losing

Jenelle evans in a bikini and shades

“Jenelle has been trying to get MTV to hire David back, as well as making outrageous money demands,” the source divulges. “And they’re not backing down.”

6. You know what else is reportedly an issue?

Jenelle evans advertises her youtube channel

Jenelle keeps uploading home videos, and she’s trying to push her YouTube channel. She’s trying to prove that she doesn’t need MTV, and they are not amused.

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