Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Jason Aldean and Brittany Kerr Clap Back at Parent-Shamers: Unfollow Me!

In May of 2017, Jason Aldean and Brittany Kerr announced their pregnancy to fans and to the world. Now, little baby Memphis is just three months old.

And yet both parents are now being parent-shamed for … taking a vacation?

Brittany is hitting back at parent-shamers and telling them to get lost.

After a slew of gorgeous vacation photos (which you can see below), Brittany uploaded what looks like another sweet photo of husband and wife … until you read the captions.

“Much needed vacay. [sun emoji] Just a word of wisdom for all the parent shamers… vacations are ok for new parents to take.”

Sad that she had to make that statement in the first place.

“Sometimes after being pregnant for almost a year, cooped up in a house for weeks at a time, you need a little sunshine and adult time.”

And she sets some boundaries.

“IT IS NOT OK to leave your ignorant comments.”

A lot of celebrities really do see the comments — some of them, anyway. Think before you type, folks.

“If you don’t agree with something, PLEASE… do me a favor and unfollow me. You will NOT be missed [black heart emoji]”

But she gives a shout-out to her most supportive fans.

“And for all the sweet, positive, happy people… we love you and thank you!!”

Sweet baby Memphis (the human pictured) was born on December 1st, 2017. He just crossed the three-month threshold a few days ago.

Bonding time with one’s baby is important.

And, obviously, neglecting a baby in any way would be cruel and inexcusable.

But Jason Aldean and Brittany did not just lock the baby in their house with some loosened jars of baby food in his crib and hope for the best.

Obviously, they left him in capable and loving hands — as many parents do — and took a break for themselves.

They love their child.

In fact, Brittany posted a message about missing him before the two of them had even reached their destination.

Posting a photo of herself looking at a picture of her baby on a plane, she wrote:

“Haven’t even left Nashville and I miss him so much it hurts.” [teal heart emoji]

However, though the comments under that photo were mostly positive, there were negative remarks.

Some were neutrally so, like confessions from other parents who don’t feel like they would have been able to leave their babies for any amount of time.

That’s fine.

Those who decided to lay into Brittany and Jason for “abandoning” their baby … really went overboard.

Some fan comments, however, affirmed that not only was taking a vacation okay (which it is), but that it’s actually a responsible thing to do as parents.

“A healthy, happy parent is a good parent. Take care of you and your relationship!”

And another, on a different vacation photo:

“One of the BEST things you can do for your child is take care of their parents!”

Parents who are emotionally drained or are on edge are more likely to make mistakes or may even grow to resent their own child.

Those who can should absolutely go on vacation.

(When the kids are older, many of them will prefer when the parents go on vacation without them)

This couple went through a lot in 2017, and pregnancy and childbirth were only part of that.

Remember, many of the Vegas shooting victims were Jason Aldean concert-goers. That had a powerful emotional impact on Brittany and Jason.

More than most, these two needed some time off for their overall well-being.

There are countless genuinely bad parents in this world who deserve people’s ire. Not a happy vacationing couple who’ve done nothing wrong to their sweet baby.

If Jason Aldean wears blackface again and teaches his baby that it’s okay, the parent-shamers can feel free to go off. In the mean time, just …. be nicer.
