Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Katy Perry: Will Her Failure as a Judge Doom American Idol?

Taylor Swift must be cackling somewhere — if she’s even bothering to pay attention to Katy anymore.

American Idol’s returned on Sunday, to mixed reactions.

One major problem, a report says, is that Katy Perry is a disastrous judge who doesn’t know what to say to contestants.

Yes, American Idol is back and Katy Perry is one of the judges.

RadarOnline reports that Katy is a disaster for the show — beyond what viewers have already seen on camera and beyond everyone’s worst fears.

“Katy Perry has been worse than anyone ever could have imagined on American Idol.

Producers were already worried after Katy’s reign as host at the 2017 VMAs fell flat, but apparently she’s even worse as a judge.

Per RadarOnline‘s source, the lines that judges say and the opinions that they espouse “absolutely aren’t scripted.”

And it sounds like Katy, though a great singer, isn’t so stellar at improv.

Or even just … speaking.

The problem seems to be that Katy doesn’t know how to give feedback.

“This is proving to be a huge issue for Katy because she literally has no clue what to say to any of the contestants.”

You can be funny or you can be helpful, but it sounds like Katy is neither.

“During auditions, Katy has appeared to be completely at a loss as to what she should say.”

When she does speak up, it doesn’t play well for the cameras.

“Her feedback and interactions with contestants are flat, and at times, very, very awkward.”

Oh, dear.

It turns out that Katy Perry allegedly has yet another issue: punctuality.

“Along with constantly being late, this is not a very good indication of the show’s reboot success.”

The source summarizes how they view the new American Idol:

“It’s a complete train wreck!”

Over time, we’ll see whether they can get Katy Perry and the show back on the right track.

(See what I did there?)

Speaking of disasters for the show, however, we should talk about Ryan Seacrest.

Recently, Ryan’s accuser spoke out and shared the details of her allegations of working as his stylist for years and enduring verbal and physical sexual harassment.

Among other things, she described him repeatedly groping her in the genitals.

In another incident, Ryan allegedly held her down on a bed while wearing only his underwear and sporting a visible erection, and only relented when another man in the room yelled at him to stop.

Though a number of fans have ignored these accusations and choose to disbelieve the woman who accuses Ryan as well as her witnesses, it’s definitely made American Idol‘s revival … awkward.

The Ryan Seacrest problem sounds like it would easily be solved by firing and replacing him, even though that, too, would be controversial.

(Some people believe the accuser and her witnesses, some people believe Ryan)

As for Katy … that’s even easier.

She needs to hire someone to write some lines for her. Pay a comedy writer $ 100,000 a season — a drop in the bucket compared to what she herself is making — and have them write some lines or even text them to her or whisper them into her earpiece.

Unless this is some sort of pride thing where Katy wants to do it herself but just can’t.

In that case, she just needs a tutor. Seriously — there’s something to be said, humorous or constructive, in response to just about anything. If you don’t know what to say about someone’s performance, compliment their pants or shoes or whatever.

Unfortunately, even if Katy suddenly becomes a masterful judge, that might not be enough to save this revival.
