Monday, March 5, 2018

Tori Spelling: SLAMMED By Critics Following Mental Breakdown

Last week, we reported that Tori Spelling had suffered a nervous breakdown, resulting in police being called to the actress’ home.

As we learned more about the situation, thing began to sound even more grim.

While the exact causes of Spelling’s breakdown remain somewhat mysterious, sources concur that her mental state has deteriorated along with her home life.

Insiders indicate that Tori’s relationship with Dean McDermott has long been a source of stress, and that police arrived when a domestic disturbance led neighbors to call 911.

Despite early reports that Spelling was hospitalized, it now looks as though she has remained at home with McDermott and her five children.

Fans have offered well wishes, and many have expressed their hope that Spelling is getting the help she so obviously needs.

Others, however, have been less sympathetic.

“Stop having babies when you’re in the midst of marital and financial strife,” wrote one “concerned” social media commenter.

Others were unsympathetic due to their preconceived notions of Spelling’s economic status:

“I’m sure she has it so rough,” wrote one Facebook user.

“She probably has a nanny to take care of her kids and a housekeeper to clean her house.”

“Sorry, rich people problems. Not worried about her at all,” remarked another.

While the actress certainly has it easier than most, Spelling has suffered major financial hardship in recent years that have resulted in multiple lawsuits from various creditors.

The problems of a formerly wealthy actress and heiress who squandered her inheritance and earnings are unlikely to elicit much sympathy from Americans struggling to put food on the table.

Still, it’s important to bear in mind that Spelling’s problems are real, and mental illness does not discriminate on the basis of income brackets.

Spelling is coping with many of the same stresses as any mother of five, and it’s evident that she’s enduring some real difficulties at the moment.

We’re not saying fans are obligated to dig deep and find hidden reserves of compassion and understanding before they publicly comment on her situation, but they we are saying this is one of those frequently-occurring situations where we’d be better served by focusing on what we share in common, rather than the superficial ways in which we’re different.
