Thursday, March 1, 2018

Tori Spelling: Hospitalized Following Nervous Breakdown?

More sad news from the turbulent life of Tori Spelling today.

According to Radar Online, police were called to the troubled actress’ home early this morning in response to what appeared to be a domestic disturbance.

When they arrived just after 7 am, they found the actress behaving erratically and in the midst of what sources are describing as “a nervous breakdown.”

Details are scarce but TMZ reports that Tori behaved “very aggressively” with police and that “multiple units” were spotted going to and from her home.

It’s believed that one of the cars rushed Tori to a nearby hospital for treatment.

The night before, Tori reportedly called the police herself, believing that an intruder was breaking into her home.

It was later revealed that the noises that aroused her suspicion were made by her husband, Dean McDermott.

While the cause of Spelling’s emotional distress remains unknown, but her marital and financial issues have been well-documented in recent years.

Several sources have confirmed that Spelling is massively in debt following years of sporadic unemployment during which her husband often didn’t work at all.

Insiders confirm that the couple’s financial woes have been weighing on them heavily in recent months, particularly after the unemployed McDermott was almost imprisoned for failing to pay child support to the mother of his eldest 

“Tori’s put up with his slothfulness for long enough, and now enough’s enough,” a source close to the couple tells Radar.

The troubled couple’s public unraveling began when Dean was caught cheating on Tori back in 2015.

The years since have seen one high-profile scandal after another for the once-wealthy couple.

In March of 2017, Spelling welcomed her fifth child, and many hoped the birth would mark a new era of stability for the McDermott clan.

Alas, the downward spiral has continued unabated, with Tori and Dean being forced to downgrade to a much smaller home after being sued by several creditors.

Hopefully, Tori this latest crisis will result in Tori finally finding the help she needs.

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.
