Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Has She Been Fired From Teen Mom 2?

It’s been an interesting few weeks in the life of Teen Mom 2 firebrand Jenelle Evans.

We’re pretty sure Jenelle has never lived through an uninteresting few weeks, but even by her lofty standards, the past month has been a real doozy.

It all started when David Eason got fired by MTV after attacking fans with a bizarre, homophobic tirade on Instagram.

Ever since, fans have been wondering if Jenelle would be fired as well.

The camera crew that was camped out at Jenelle’s home pulled up stakes after Eason was fired, but production insiders say that’s simply because they had already collected enough footage for the season.

The Carolina Hurricane has yet to sound off on the matter, but some fans believe she’s been hinting on social media that she won’t be returning for another season.

“Ensley will not be appearing on #TeenMom2 after this season. Keep up with me on IG for updates of the gorgeous little babe,” Jenelle tweeted earlier this week. 

When a follower remarked, “Hopefully you won’t either,” Jenelle retweeted the comment!

Many took it as an indication that she won’t be returning to the show, but it may have just been a bit of trolling on Jenelle’s part.

However, it’s not the only recent indication that her time as a Teen Mom may have come to an end. 

“You bring the most ratings and the rest just live off your fame while you get bad press. If you leave them the rest of them will have to find jobs,” one fan wrote, prompting Jenelle to reply:

“Well we shall see.”

It’s not hard to see why so many have leaped to the conclusion that Jenelle has been booted off the show that made her famous.

But due to her emotional instability and shaky relationship with the truth, Jenelle isn’t the most reliable source on all things Jenelle.

For that we turn to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, where you can insights from production insiders that shed real light on Jenelle’s situation:

“Anything in regard to the Jenelle situation is being kept pretty hush-hush,” one source tells The Ashley. 

“But she is not fired, 100 percent, no matter what’s being put out there online.”

But does that necessarily mean she’ll be back for another season?

It seems that at this point, producers have no reason to believe otherwise.

“Jenelle has given the [producers] no indication that she’s planning to quit if and when the show gets renewed for another season,” the insider says.

“She did not quit when David was fired, as some sites reported.”

But that doesn’t mean it’s all smooth-sailing for Jenelle and her MTV bosses.

In fact, the two parties reportedly have not been in communication at all in recent weeks:

“In a sense, Jenelle is cut off from communication for the time being,” one source tells the Ashley.

“[Production] is hoping that freezing Jenelle out will make her realize she needs Teen Mom 2 more than the show needs her and that will put them in a better place to negotiate if another season is in the works.”

“I think they are hoping that the girls will see that the show can go on without them, and they can be replaced.”

It’s a smart tactic, but it assumes that Jenelle is capable of introspection and rational thinking.’

We’ve never seen any indication of that, but we respect the producers for trying to take her down a peg.

Needless to say, things should get mighty interesting in the weeks to come.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more from the inimitable Ms. Evans.
