Monday, March 12, 2018

Jesse Watters Accused of Affair with Much Younger Fox News Employee

Forgive the most obvious pun of all-time, but Fox News anchor Jesse Watters is in some… muddy waters.

The host of Watters World is in the middle of a legal split from his wife Noelle, after the latter filed for divorce in October.

This filing isn’t news.

But what is making news all over the Internet today is the allegation that the filing was triggered by Watters having an affair with a 25-year old Fox News associate producer.

Watters is 39 years old.

He has twin girls with his soon-to-be-ex-wife.

Insiders tell The New York Daily News said that Watters told the network of his adulterous relationship with Emma DiGiovine shortly after Noelle submitted the aforementioned divorce papers.

As a result of this affair, DiGiovine was transferred from Watters’ program to The Ingraham Angle.

Watters is a close confidant of President Donald Trump.

He just dined with the Commander-in-Chief last week and is considered by most folks in media to be modeling himself after Sean Hannity.

(You may take that statement however you would like.)

DiGiovine and Watters are still dating, sources tell The Daily News, while a Fox News spokesperson says the following:

Within 24 hours of Jesse Watters voluntarily reporting to the Chief of Human Resources in November 2017 that he was in a consensual relationship with a woman on his staff, management met with both parties and a decision was made for the woman to be transferred to work on another program on the network where she currently remains.

This is a photo of Emma DiGiovine:

Watters and his alleged mistress did little to hide their romance, according to this report.

They often shared photos of each other on social media, including snapshots from a vacation to the Caribbean.

Lawyers for both Noelle and Jesse Watters did not comment when contacted by the newspaper that published this story.

Watters and his wife, meanwhile, got married in 2009 and welcomed their kids in 2011.

While this relationship is clearly consensual, social media users are abuzz over it being yet another example of a Fox News higher-up wading into troubling waters with women.

Bill O’Reilly, once the most-watched host on cable television, parted ways with the network last year amidst reports that he paid millions of dollars to victims of his sexual harassment in exchange for their silence.

In 2016, Fox News CEO Roger Ailes resigned his position after numerous underlings accused him of acting very inappropriately in their presence in very many occasions.

Ailes passed away about 10 months later.
