Monday, April 9, 2018

Jimmy Kimmel Apologizes to LGBT Community, Aims to Squash Beef with Sean Hannity

All Jimmy Kimmel is saying to Sean Hannity is…

… let’s give peace a chance.

Of course, this is not ALL Kimmel has been saying to Hannity, which is why the talk show host issued a lengthy statement on Twitter over the weekend.

Over the past several days, Kimmel and Hannity have been embroiled in quite a feud.

It started when the former made a few cracks about Melania Trump’s accent, which prompted Hannity to call Kimmel an “ass clown.”

(Kimmel had quipped about the First Lady pronouncing “this” as “dis” and setting a poor example for some school kids to whom she was reading.)

Kimmel made some jokes online in response, calling out Hannity for never exactly defending women or immigrants in the past, to which Hannity replied by playing clips of Kimmel as host of The Man Show many years ago.

He referred to Kimmel as “Harvey Weinstein Jr” and as a “pervert” for the way in which he interacted with women on this program back in the day.

From there, Kimmel made cracks about Hannity leaving lipstick on President Donald Trump’s rear end and wondering whether Hannity was a “top” or a “bottom” in his relationship with the Commander-in-Chief.

It was these jabs that, at least in part, have caued Kimmel to put an end to his back-and-forth with Hannity.

“By lampooning Sean Hannity’s deference to the President, I most certainly did not intend to belittle or upset members of the gay community and to those who took offense, I apologize,” wrote Kimmel, adding that he did “have fun” exchanging barbs with Hanniyu.


“After some thought I realize that the level of vitriol (mine and me included) does nothing good for anyone and, in fact, is harmful to our country.”

The comedian also touched on “vile attacks” against his wife and “wishes for death” on his infant son that he had received as a result of the exchange, expressing hope that the instigators would “give their words and actions thought.”

Tongue firmly planed in cheek at times, Kimmel got in a few shots at Hannity while still seeking to calm tempers, writing:

I will take Sean Hannity at his word that he was genuinely offended by what I believed and still believe to be a harmless and silly aside referencing our First Lady’s accent.

I am hopeful that Sean Hannity will learn from this too and continue his newly-found advocacy for women, immigrants and First Ladies and that he will triumph in his heroic battle against sexual harassment and perversion.”

jk tweet

Hannity did not respond to this statement with one of his own.

Not yet at least anyway.

“Just had this pop up. I am at a tournament with my daughter. I’ll have a full and comprehensive response tomorrow on Hannity. 9 EST FOX,” the Fox News veteran Tweeted on Sunday.

sh reply

Even before this argument with Hannity, Kimmel was often a target of disdain from conservatives.

He has used his platform often of late to advocate for various causes, breaking down in tears at one point over a failure of Congress to pass gun control legislation.

Kimmel also pushed hard and emotionally for universal health care after his newborn son had to undergo emergency heart surgery last year.

You can watch Kimmel and his child together in the following video while the world anxiously waits to see if Hannity responds to Kimmel’s statement with class and maturity or…

… LOL, who are we kidding?

While we wait to see just how Hannity brags about how he clearly won this ongoing debate.
