Thursday, April 26, 2018

Jinger Duggar Flaunts Baby Bump, Shows Off "Duggar Love Stare"

Jinger Duggar is six months pregnant, and you know what that means.

Yes, it’s time for yet another baby bump selfie!

Throughout Jinger’s long-awaited pregnancy, the 24-year-old has eagerly brought fans along for the ride by posting frequent updates on social media.

The images aren’t quite as popular as the first photos of Jinger wearing pants, but hey, it’s tough to beat such a bold act of rebellion.

Jinger posted the pic above this week, along with a caption reading:

“I love being married to my best friend!”

She didn’t fill fans in on where she’s at in her pregnancy this time, but Duggar obsessives were quick to sleuth it out anyway.

Apparently, Jinger is at the 27-week mark.

As The Inquisitr points out, that means her baby is about the size of a head of lettuce and beginning to kick more frequently.

Most of the comments on the photo were congratulatory, with fans gushing about Jinger’s natural glow.

But a few fans remarked on Jinger’s skillful deployment of a look that’s come to be known as “the Duggar love stare.”

Yes, even if you didn’t know what it’s called, you know what we’re talking about.

Duggar women love nothing more than gazing at their husbands with big cartoon doe-eyes.

It happens far too frequently to be coincidental and many believe that it’s something Duggar women are trained to do.

The look first became a topic of fascination when Anna Duggar was repeatedly photographed affectionately gazing at her husband in the wake of the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

In Jinger’s case, we guess it’s slightly less creepy, given that Jeremy is a much less horrendous husband than Josh.

After all, he’s the guy who gave her permission to wear pants!

We can’t help but notice that Jeremy seems a bit creeped out by Jinger’s obsessive devotion, but that’s a conversation for another time.

The important thing now is that Jinger is happy, healthy, and excited about motherhood.

Her due date is believed to be in July.

And then she’ll have something else to gaze at adoringly.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
