Monday, April 23, 2018

Amy Roloff Throws Engagement Party for Jacob Roloff and Isabel Rock

Recently, Little People, Big World viewers got to see Amy Roloff celebrate her one-year anniversary with boyfriend Chris Marek. That was a big deal for her.

But an even bigger event for the entire Roloff family is Jacob’s engagement to longtime girlfriend Isabel Rock.

And to celebrate, she’s throwing a party. But who’s not getting an invitation?

Sharing this sweet group photo, Amy Roloff writes:

“I’m excited that my friend Jack is in town. We’ll catch up on life over a little coffee and goodies from Amy Roloff’s Little Kitchen.”

Her fans and followers are not surprised to see that she is monetizing her social media. Some drag her for it, but hey, good for her for making that money.

“Make your get together a little extra special or share with family and friends by ordering today. Enjoy!”

Then she gets down to business, revealing a major family event.

“We’ll be having a party Sunday to celebrate Jacob and Isabel’s engagement.”

That is so sweet!


Now, none of the Roloff’s have been gushing with details or photos of the party.

(It is perfectly okay for celebrities to designate some activities as private occasions, even something as innocuous as an engagement party)

We do know some details.

For example, Isabel Rock shared this detail about the menu on Twitter:

“Our engagement party is on Earth day, so I requested there be no meat.”

Regardless of your opinions on the ethics of meat consumption, we should all acknowledge that the environmental impact from farming livestock can have a hefty impact on the world.

That includes things like widespread antibiotics use on livestock contributing to drug-resistant bacteria. That includes things like waste from livestock being dumped into rivers or sprayed over large areas (yes, really).

It was wonderful of them to consider that. And if you shudder at the idea of a party without any meat on the menu, remember that cake contains zero meat.

Amy Roloff announced the party, so it’s likely that it took place at her house.

(Which is just a stone’s throw from Matt’s home … which, as we’ve mentioned, gets super awkward for the divorced parents)

Obviously, Zach and Tori are going to be there. They’re even in the photo.

It’s likely that Jeremy and Audrey will be there, despite Auj’s alleged feud with Jacob.

(People think that Isabel may have diffused that feud anyway)

And it seems likely that Matt will show up.

What we don’t know is whether significant others like Caryn Chandler or Chris Marek will be invited.

To avoid conflicts, they might make it a family-only affair.

That isn’t the only big event that Jacob and Isabel have planned for this week.

Though the Roloffs are known for taking lots and lots of photos, Isabel is more likely to snap a photo of one of her paintings than she is to snap a selfie.

(Though, to be clear, she still has plenty of pics of herself)

It seems that on Monday, she and Jacob will be doing what fans interpret to be engagement photos.

As Isabel hinted in this self-depricating tweet:

“I’ve been preparing for like a week to look halfway decent tomorrow and I’ll still end up looking like a f–king potato in all the photos I take.”

We wonder if Jacob writing about his favorite photo of Isabel, which is not her most flattering, was meant to encourage her to be confident about her appearance. That’s so sweet.

Fans responded to Amy’s post by issuing their repeated congratulations.

Many also chimed in that they missed seeing Jacob on Little People, Big World.

The reality series was a major — though certainly not the only — source of contention that drove Jacob to storm off of Roloff Farms a few years ago.

It was only in late 2017 that he began to reconcile with his family.

That reconciliation began just months before his epic Iceland proposal to Isabel.

We don’t know that he’ll show up on the series again any time soon.

Especially since fans have not always been kind to him.
