Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Amber Portwood Throws Shade at Farrah Abraham: We"re Better Off Without Her!

It’s been almost five months since Farrah Abraham was fired from Teen Mom OG as a result of her continued refusal to quit performing in live-streaming sex shows.

We still don’t know what the show will look like without the famously unpredictable Farrah, but her number one rival Amber Portwood says fans can expect the TMOG to come back stronger than ever.

Amber spoke out on life after Farrah in an interview with In Touch this week and to the surprise of absolutely no one, she’s not exactly fiending for more Abraham in her life:

“We’re doing good without Farrah,” Amber told the tabloid this week.

Yes, it seems filming is under way, and Amber feels the whole process is going more smoothly without 

Of course, TMOG is unlike most other reality shows in that the cast spends very little time under the same roof, and their storylines mostly take place in separate states.

So it’s not not like Amber can really say for sure if the show will suffer in Farrah’s absence.

But apparently, the response she’s been seeing on social media leads Portwood to believe that fans are mostly in favor of the decision to kick Abraham to the curb:

“We still have our fans and some of them are really happy about it, so I can’t knock that,” Amber said.

Farra, of course, strongly disagrees:

“You could take all the girls on all the series, but none can bring or do as much as I do for the series,” she told Us Weekly in response to recent rumors that she would be replaced by Mackenzie McKee.

The crazy part is, Farrah might be right:

The most famous clash between Amber and Farrah came during a reunion show taping in 2016, when the ladies famously almost engaged in a physical altercation.

Things calmed down a bit in the months that followed, but there’s still a good deal of tension between the former co-stars.

Earlier this year, Farrah went off on the subject of Amber’s pregnancy, accusing her of pretending that it was a surprise and receiving a bonus from producers for getting knocked up:

Amber, just f–king admit you planned your pregnancy. Lmao this is so pathetic,” Abraham tweeted.

“F–K TEEN MOM! Enjoy the bonus for your new kid and pay your child support!”

We’re sure some fans are happy to see Farrah go – but it won’t be easy to find a replacement that can bring that level of drama.

Watch Teen Mom OG online to remind yourself just how bonkers the Farrah years could get.
