Saturday, April 28, 2018

Kailyn Lowry: I"m Gonna Beat Jenelle Evans" ASS!

The new season of Teen Mom 2 hasn’t even started airing yet, and it’s already clear that it’s going to be one hell of a ride.

Let’s just take a moment and consider all of the wonders this season will contain!

We should get to see Jenelle send off all those ridiculous cease and desist letters to her cast members, and Javi and Briana’s breakup.

We’ll finally get to see lots of footage of Kailyn’s adorable little baby, Lux — he’d just been born at the end of last season.

Judging by the trailer we’ve seen, it also looks like MTV is continuing their trend of showing backstage footage from the last seasons’ reunion in the new season.

Which means that there’s a solid chance we’ll see Jenelle having her meltdown, and her fight with Nathan Griffith’s girlfriend.

Reports have claimed that MTV is also doing us a solid by airing more scenes from their New Years’ Eve special — specifically the scene where David lost it and attacked a bunch of balloons with a knife.

Obviously there’s a lot of Jenelle stuff to look forward to here, but there’s one more big one: David’s firing.

We know that there was a bunch of drama surrounding that decision, and that there was a question as to whether or not Jenelle would get fired too.

She did end up filming again, and she’s still filming now, though it does sound like at this point MTV is already filming for the season after this one.

And that means that there’s a pretty good chance we won’t get to see the latest chapter in Jenelle’s feud with Kailyn — not this season, anyway.

To recap real quick, Jenelle and Kailyn haven’t gotten along for a while now, and things have escalated steadily for the past year or so.

Jenelle revealed Kailyn’s pregnancy on Twitter without her permission, and ever since then … it’s been bad.

A couple of months ago, Jenelle did an interview, and for some reason she kept bashing Kailyn for having three kids with three different men.

Which, just for those of you keeping score, is also something Jenelle has done.

She even said that she believed Kailyn had her youngest son for the sake of her Teen Mom 2 storyline, which is a pretty gross thing to say.

Since then, Kailyn’s been especially over her nonsense, but things have some somehow gotten worse since David and Jenelle made fun of Leah’s daughter.

Because unfortunately, that’s a thing that happened.

We know, we know, it’s hard to keep up with all of this, but about a week ago, David commented on a photo that Leah posted of her daughters.

He said that Gracie, one of the twins, was wearing too much makeup, and suggested that Leah should have asked the girl’s father for permission before dolling her up like that.

It was a dumb comment — the makeup was for a cheerleading competition, and Leah has just as much say in what her daughter wears as Corey does.

But Jenelle made things so much worse by posting a dumb confrontational video, judging Leah and Gracie and even making fun of Gracie’s contouring.

To repeat that, Jenelle mocked an eight-year-old girl’s makeup.

Kailyn hopped in to defend Leah against the Easons’ crazy ramblings, but judging by some comments she made on her podcast this week, things still aren’t over.

“We have a reunion next month,” Kailyn revealed. “I don’t know what the hell is going to happen.”

“I don’t know if they’re going to have to separate us. I don’t know how Leah and I can sit in the same room as Jenelle.”

Which is fair, we know we certainly wouldn’t want to sit in the same room as Jenelle, all this history aside.

But as Kail explained, “At this point it’s not drama between the cast mates. You’re talking about our children. At that point, Leah and I probably want to throw hands.”

“But it’s not worth it. Just keep her away from us.”

It doesn’t sound like she and Leah are planning to gang up on Jenelle or anything, but it’s understandable why she’d prefer to just not be around her.

Jenelle’s been very volatile lately, even for her, so it’s best for them to just avoid any situation where things could escalate to violence, especially because Jenelle could just as easily throw hands herself.

At another point in the podcast, Kailyn took the time to address David directly, telling him “You are a grown man! You’re commenting on someone else’s children that have nothing to do with you.”

“Do not bring someone’s kids into it.”

She said that she doesn’t talk about Jenelle’s kids, and neither does Leah — which is definitely true, they don’t.

“Nobody talks about Jenelle and David’s kids so why are you talking about our kids?” she asked. “Leah’s children have nothing to do with David, so David needs to shut the f-ck up.”

Truer words were never spoken.
