Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Little People, Big World Recap: Is Amy Outta Here?

Little People, Big World returned with new episodes on Tuesday night.

And with major new drama to boot!

Is one cast member about to make a major move? Are Jeremy and Audrey ready for parenthood? What issue does Zach have with his adorable first child?!?

All of these topics were touched on throughout the premiere, which most definitely did highlight the tension that exists between Amy and Matt.

Is this tension real? Or has it been manufactured a bit by producers, as Matt recently implied and complained about?

All we can go by right now is what we saw on screen yesterday… and what we saw on screen was Amy actually stating she may move off the family farm in order to get away from her ex-husband.

(Matt and Amy divorced two years ago, yet live a mere few hundred feet apart still, operating this property and business together.)

“I like where I live,” Amy told boyfriend Chris Marek during a motorcycle ride on this spring premiere. “Whether I’m able to stay here the whole time remains to be seen.”

“Are you worried about that?” Marek asked.

“Oh, well, yeah,” she replied.

Why is this a concern for Amy, who has always gotten along well with Matt on camera at least?

“I definitely have a lot of uncertainty going on in my life, and I’m not sure how long I’ll be here at the farm,” she told the camera during a confessional, adding a bit more specifically:

“Matt and I are both here, we’re existing, but we may just decide we don’t want to do this anymore. I don’t think it’s very clear yet.”

Matt, of course, is dating former farm manager Caryn Chandler.

So the whole set-up is a tad awkward and unusual.

For his part, Matt didn’t sound too excited about the ongoing arrangement, either.

It may finally be taking its toll on both reality stars.

“I just want my own path away from farm, away from Amy,” said Matt. “It’s always going to be awkward. I’m by Amy’s house.”

Later on, Matt and Amy sat with sons Zach and Jeremy and admitted that the future was a little uncertain.

“We’ve been talking a lot about the farm,” Matt said. “Trying to figure out how to keep it or not keep it.”

We don’t know whether or not the producers edited things to ramp up the suspense here, all we know is that we’re now very anxious to see where this goes.

On the parenting front and the prospective parenting front:

Jeremy was stressed about finishing his home in time for his baby, who was clearly close to being on the way when this was filmed, based on Audrey’s appearance.

She was VERY pregnant, is all we’re saying.

Not so much for Tori, though, who welcomed her and Zach’s first baby last May.

The couple opened up to the camera about what things have been like so far.

“It’s definitely been a huge adjustment,” Zach admitted, explaining why:

“I love it so far but those first couple of weeks were rough. I’m up ‘til 4 in the morning, trying to put this guy to sleep while [Tori’s] getting some rest.

“I don’t do well with little sleep!”

Few of us do, man.

Tori also discussed her biggest obstacle at the outset of motherhood:

“For me, the hardest part is breastfeeding. It took everything I had not to quit breastfeeding. He had trouble latching, but we stuck it out … Being a mom’s really fun but it’s exhausting.”

The premiere was filmed last June, right around Zach’s first Father’s Day as an actual father, back when Jackson was just over a month old.

For those who missed how the Roloffs celebrated (that is, who hosted a barbecue for all four generations), click on the video below to watch Little People, Big World online now!
