Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Brad Pitt: In LOVE With Neri Oxman?!

Last week, we reported on rumors that Brad Pitt is dating Neri Oxman, an architect and MIT professor with whom he reportedly became smitten after sitting in on one of her lectures back in November.

It sounded too good to be true – Hollywood heartthrob falls for TED Talk-ing, internationally-renown intellectual.

And given the wealth of rumors that have surrounded Brad’s love life in the months since his split from Angelina Jolie, we were naturally skeptical about the first round of Neri reports.

But in the past few days, two interesting developments have taken place:

First, several outlets reported that Angelina is pissed about the news that Brad is dating Neri.

The tabloid media has attached Pitt to just about every single woman living or working in the greater Los Angeles area, but up to this point, there’s been no talk of Angie getting mad about it.

So the fact that insiders are claiming she’s all worked up about Neri lent some credence to the rumors. 

Now, sources who claim to be Pitt confidants are coming forward with claims that Pitt is downright head-over-heels about Neri.

They’re even throwing some subtle shade by suggesting that Brad is happier with Oxman than he ever was with Jolie.

“Design is her specialty, so it’s not hard to see why Brad would be attracted to her,” one insider tells Us Weekly.

“Neri is a very passionate, extremely smart and talented woman. She is very extroverted, outgoing, vivacious and loving.”

The insider goes on to basically claim that Neri is the female equivalent of the Most Interesting Man in the World.

“Men and women love Neri,” the source says.

“She has a way of making you feel as if you’re the only person in a crowded room. Being around Neri is intoxicating as if you’re flying high above the mountains.”

The insider also claims that Brad is “light and carefree” these days, and friends much prefer his current persona to the dour self-serious one he affected when he was married to Jolie.

That sound you just heard is Angie crushing a rocks glass in her bare hand.

Except instead of scotch, it’s filled with tea made with leaves from a tree that’s only grown by a secret sect of Tibetan monks who live in a yurt in Gwyneth Paltrow’s backyard.
