Showing posts with label Neri. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neri. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Brad Pitt Introduced Neri Oxman to His Kids ALREADY?!

It’s only been two months since we first learned that Brad Pitt is dating Neri Oxman, but it seems the unlikely couple isn’t wasting any time in getting serious.

Some have even gone so far as to claim that Pitt is already in love with Oxman.

Brad Pitt Neri Oxman

Sounds rather hard to believe, given that these two only met in November of last year, but those who know them best say Brad and Neri are head-over-heels for one another and already considering what their next step might be.

So basically, no one is using the word “marriage” because that would be weird so early in a relationship — but unless their next step is planning an elaborate bank heist or something, that seems to be the direction in which things are headed.

Of course, Brad has a lot of important people in his life, and before he can pop the question, the new lady in his life will have to secure their approval.

Fortunately, Neri has already met George Clooney, so the hard part is out of the way.

Now she just has to win over Brad’s army of offspring, or as we call them, the little Pitts:

Brad, as you probably know, has a whopping 6 kids with ex-wife Angelina Jolie:

There’s Maddox, 16; Pax, 14; Zahara, 13; Shiloh, 11; and 9-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne.

“Brad cannot get enough of her and he thinks the next step is having her meet his children,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

“She kind of wears the pants in their relationship, but Brad is totally okay with that,” the insider added.

“[Brad] tells his friends that their sexual chemistry is off the hook and that he is absolutely in love.”

We’ll believe a lot of ridiculous things, but we refuse to accept that 54-year-old Brad Pitt sed the term “off the hook” to describe his sexual chemistry with his girlfriend.

Anyway, there’s chatter that Brad has already introduced Neri to his kids, but nothing has been confirmed.

Meanwhile, sources say Angelina wasn’t happy about Neri to begin with, and she’s reportedly outraged by the possibility of Oxman meeting her kids.

The situation is reportedly made worse by the fact that Jolie is currently in London shooting a sequel to Maleficent, and according to the terms of her custody arrangement with Pitt, she was not allowed to bring the kids with her.

So right now, Angie is in full villainess mode while her ex’s new girlfriend hangs out with her kids.

We’re guessing she’s not finding it terribly hard to get into character.

We’ll keep an eye on the situation and let you know what develops.

With how fast this couple is moving, if Brad’s kids like Neri, she’ll probably be the newest Mrs. Pitt by the close of business. 


Monday, April 23, 2018

Jennifer Aniston to Neri Oxman: Stay Away From Brad Pitt!

While the rumors have yet to be confirmed, lots of folks are already in love with the idea that Brad Pitt is dating Neri Oxman, a world-renowned architect and MIT professor, who reportedly caught the actor’s eye last year.

But not everyone is so thrilled with the notion of Brad ditching Hollywood to hook up with a European academic.

Brad Pitt Neri Oxman

For starters, there are reports that Angelina Jolie is pissed about Brad and Neri, as she believes (probably quite rightly) that Pitt’s new boo has her thoroughly outclassed in terms of intellectual cred and political awareness.

Then there’s Jennifer Aniston who – according to a hilarious report from an Australian tabloid – is angry about the situation for much more Jerry Springer-esque reasons.

Put simply, Jen feels that Neri is out to steal her man!

Now, if you’re not familiar with Aussie tabloids, we should take a moment to point out that they generally make The National Enquirer look like The New York Times.

These publications pretty much just make up whatever the hell they want, and their readers are presumably too busy fending off dingo-sized spiders and to notice that it’s all pure BS.

In that spirit, the magazine New Idea is claiming that Jen is ready to throw down with Neri if she doesn’t keep her brainy ass away from Brad.

“Jen is going to fight for Brad, plain and simple,” a “source” tells the tabloid.

“She’s determined that nothing will get in the way of her happiness,” the fictitious insider continues.

New Idea‘s imaginary tipster, even goes so far as to claim that Jen had a stern sit-down with Neri, during which she basically went full-Godfather.

“Last weekend [Aniston] went and saw Neri, and had a face-to-face with her,” claims the source.

“Jen was firm with Neri and told her to stay away from Brad and not come between them.”

Don’t get us wrong, we love the idea of a Jen in full badass mode, crushing a tumbler of Scotch with her bare hands to demonstrate what she’d do to Neri’s skull.

Unfortunately, like the long-rumored Aniston-Pitt reunion, it seems this one is simply too good to be true.

Fortunately, the folks Down Under are happy to provide us with these amusing fan fictions.


Thursday, April 19, 2018

Brad Pitt and Neri Oxman Can"t Stay Away From Each Other

It has been widely reported that Brad Pitt is dating Neri Oxman, an architect and MIT professor.

However, the two halves of this unlikely pairing live on opposite coasts.

A source is revealing how they keep their budding romance going.

Us Weekly reports on how Brad and Neri keep their relationship afloat while living separately and trying (but failing) to keep things a secret.

“They continue to talk on the phone several times a day and are very infatuated with each other.”

Several times a day … would mean that they can only go a few hours at a time without hearing each other’s voices.

That’s incredibly sweet. Especially since their relationship hasn’t been smooth sailing.

“Their busy schedules are going to be a huge challenge.”

Obviously, neither of them can just uproot their lives.

“Because Neri isn’t going to give up her life in Cambridge or her job at MIT for anyone.”

Of course not. Other people might be starstruck, but that’s one of the most prestigious positions that a person could hold.

“Even Brad Pitt.”

At the moment, sources report that they don’t know where their relationship is headed.

“They are going to have fun and see where it goes.”

And there’s a good reason for which they’ve tried to maintain this air of secrecy.

“Neri is extremely uncomfortable with all of the media attention.”

Yeah, this is really pushing her into the spotlight.

“And feels that her personal life has now come under a microscope.”

Sadly, that’s how it works.

“Brad feels badly about this of course, but he is powerless to stop it.”

It really sounds like Brad is in love with Neri.

“Brad’s absolutely smitten by her.”

Some have said that he’s found his “Amal Clooney,” which … does sort of sound like it’s reducing women by types. In this case “smart.”

“Their chemistry is off the charts.”

Which apparently led them to begin a relationship without delay.

“They got romantically involved almost right away.”

Brad sat in on her lecture, and he was apparently entranced by her line of 3-D printed chaise lounges. No, you did not misread that.

For Neri’s sake, he’s committed to trying to keep things on the down low.

“He’s been going to great lengths to make sure he’s not spotted by prying eyes.”

Despite the veil of secrecy and their very separate lives, they’ve reportedly made time for each other.

“Brad and Neri have traveled together internationally on several occasions.”

Including a trip to South Africa, where Neri was a guest speaker — because, remember, she’s a professor.

That said, there are some nay-sayers who claim that these two aren’t dating. A source told Us Weekly:

This source claimed that “this is solely a professional relationship [and] there’s nothing more to it as of now.”

That statement has been referred to as a cover-up.

“They are very much a couple.”

It’s possible that a friend of Brad’s (or Neri’s) was simply being loyal and refusing to confirm Brad’s relationship.

We don’t really know.

But we think that it’s at least safe to say that those rumors of Jennifer Aniston being pregnant with Brad’s baby are not panning out.



Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Brad Pitt: In LOVE With Neri Oxman?!

Last week, we reported on rumors that Brad Pitt is dating Neri Oxman, an architect and MIT professor with whom he reportedly became smitten after sitting in on one of her lectures back in November.

It sounded too good to be true – Hollywood heartthrob falls for TED Talk-ing, internationally-renown intellectual.

And given the wealth of rumors that have surrounded Brad’s love life in the months since his split from Angelina Jolie, we were naturally skeptical about the first round of Neri reports.

But in the past few days, two interesting developments have taken place:

First, several outlets reported that Angelina is pissed about the news that Brad is dating Neri.

The tabloid media has attached Pitt to just about every single woman living or working in the greater Los Angeles area, but up to this point, there’s been no talk of Angie getting mad about it.

So the fact that insiders are claiming she’s all worked up about Neri lent some credence to the rumors. 

Now, sources who claim to be Pitt confidants are coming forward with claims that Pitt is downright head-over-heels about Neri.

They’re even throwing some subtle shade by suggesting that Brad is happier with Oxman than he ever was with Jolie.

“Design is her specialty, so it’s not hard to see why Brad would be attracted to her,” one insider tells Us Weekly.

“Neri is a very passionate, extremely smart and talented woman. She is very extroverted, outgoing, vivacious and loving.”

The insider goes on to basically claim that Neri is the female equivalent of the Most Interesting Man in the World.

“Men and women love Neri,” the source says.

“She has a way of making you feel as if you’re the only person in a crowded room. Being around Neri is intoxicating as if you’re flying high above the mountains.”

The insider also claims that Brad is “light and carefree” these days, and friends much prefer his current persona to the dour self-serious one he affected when he was married to Jolie.

That sound you just heard is Angie crushing a rocks glass in her bare hand.

Except instead of scotch, it’s filled with tea made with leaves from a tree that’s only grown by a secret sect of Tibetan monks who live in a yurt in Gwyneth Paltrow’s backyard.


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Angelina Jolie: PISSED About Brad Pitt Dating Neri Oxman!

It’s been 18 months since Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt separated, and in that time, the tabloids have connected both parties to just about every unattached celebrity in Hollywood.

The rumors have run the gamut from utterly ridiculous to thoroughly plausible (who didn’t want to believe that Brad was back together with Jennifer Aniston?)

But the latest report about Brad’s love life appears to be the most legit one yet, if for no other reason than even Angie seems to believe it’s true.

As you may have heard, insiders believe that Brad is dating Neri Oxman, a 42-year-old architect and MIT professor with whom he’s been spending a lot of time in recent months.

Brad and Neri have been hanging out at least since November, when he sat in one of her classes.

Sources say this is the first time that Angie has gotten upset about the latest Brad news, and there are two main reaons for that:

For starters, despite denials from Pitt’s rep, she fully believes that he’s romantically involved with Oxman.

Brad Pitt Neri Oxman

On top of that, Neri is highly intelligent, politically engaged, and socially conscious – and Angie fears she’ll come off looking a vapid Hollywood type when the two of them are inevitably compared by the media.

“Angelina is steaming with emotions and jealousy,” a source close to the actress tells Hollywood Life.

“She doesn’t like to hear any of the dating rumors about her ex… She can‘t handle it.”

The insider says Angie was surprised to feel the envy welling up inside her when she first laid eyes on Oxman:

“Angie saw pictures of Neri and felt a bit jealous,” the tipster claims.

It’s Neri‘s incredible intelligence that has thrown Angie off balance. An MIT professor is the last person Angie would have picked for Brad.”

The insider adds that “Angie might feel more comfortable if her ex were dating another Hollywood actress.”

But apparently, Jolie is taking comfort in the fact that Neri is simply out of Brad’s league, intellectually-speaking:

“Angelina is in a bit of denial about Brad‘s possible new relationship,” the source claims.

“She knows Neri is not Brad’s type, or at least doesn’t fit into his group of ex’s.”

Oh, Angie. That sounds like a challenge.

And we’re guessing Brad is the type that rarely gets shot down.


Monday, April 9, 2018

Brad Pitt: Dating MARRIED MIT Professor Neri Oxman?!

Despite the constant rumors that he’s back together with Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt is not involved in a flashy A-list romance.

But that doesn’t mean he’s single.

Brad Pitt Neri Oxman

According to Page Six, Brad has been spending an awful lot of time with an MIT professor named Neri Oxman.

Naturally, fans have leapt to the conclusion that Pitt and Oxman are dating.

However, a source close to the actor says the two of them are just friends.

The kind of ridiculously photogenic friends who spend a ton of one-on-one time together and regularly travel great distances just to meet up.

Ya know, totally platonic.

“Yes, Brad has become friendly with Neri Oxman,” the insider tells E! News.

“He thinks she’s brilliant. He’s interested in getting to know her more and learning from her, but they are strictly friends.”

The source adds that Oxman is “not interested in the whole Hollywood scene at all” and clams “some people seem to be exaggerating this into something that doesn’t exist,”

Needless to say, the rep doth protest too much, and we would have had an easier time believing this statement if contained just one denial, not 47.

We kid, of course.

It’s entirely possible that Brad and Neri are just friends, but we’re sort of enamored with the idea of Brad moving on from Angelina Jolie with someone who puts the actress to shame in terms of woke intellectual cred.

Whatever the case, these two have been hanging out at least since November, when Brad dropped by one of her lectures at MIT, much to the delight of the student body.

Interestingly, Neri, an architect by trade, dropped Pitt’s name in a recent TED Talk:

“For the same reason we have the Brad Pitts and the George Clooneys, it’s just part of human nature to idolize stereotypes,” she explained.

“Such singularities are useful to the common perception of heroism. But it’s not only true for architecture; it’s true in musical composition, for females working in theater, for film directors.”

It’s possible that Brad didn’t realize that wasn’t the most flattering context and simply freshened his breath and went, “It’s go time!” when he heard his name.
