Showing posts with label Professor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Professor. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Professor Celebrates Death of "Racist" Barbara Bush

Former First Lady Barbara Bush passed away on Tuesday. She was 92.

A Fresno State professor tweeted out some accusations about the First Lady, and more or less danced on her grave.

The backlash was intense. The personal consequences may be more so.

A lot of people indulge the impulse to express delight when a famous person dies.

Often, they deserve it. But most people agree that Barbara Bush’s death does not need to be celebrated.

Professor Randa Jarrar, however, is not most people.

She tweeted:

“Barbara Bush was a generous and smart and amazing racist who, along with her husband, raised a war criminal. F–k outta here with your nice words.”

She received thousands of replies and even spent a few hours debating people. She has since made her Twitter account private.

Free speech does not mean freedom from consequences, however.

She has since revealed:

“Currently on leave from Fresno State. This is my private account and represents my opinions.”

Fresno State, in the mean time, has put out a statement reading:

“On behalf of Fresno State, I extend my deepest condolences to the Bush family on the loss of our former First Lady, Barbara Bush.”

That’s an appropriate way to start.

“We share the deep concerns expressed by others over the personal comments made today by Professor Randa Jarrar, a professor in the English Department at Fresno State.”

They emphasize something that is very important, however.

“Her statements were made as a private citizen, not as a representative of Fresno State.”

That won’t prevent certain anti-education opportunists from trying to frame her as a typical “university elite” or whatever.

“Professor Jarrar’s expressed personal views and commentary are obviously contrary to the core values of our University, which include respect and empathy for individuals with divergent points of view, and a sincere commitment to mutual understanding and progress.”

It’s difficult to prove that Barbara Bush was or was not a racist, so let’s look at the other “accusation” leveled against her — regarding who one of her sons grew up to be.

Was the US Invasion of Iraq perpetrated under pretenses that were later revealed to be false, deceiving the international community and the American public?


Did the Bush Administration commit acts that many consider to be war crimes during that extended conflict and during the global “War on Terror,” including torturing enemy soldiers and also some people who were found to be innocent?

Also yes.

But while he may have had the literacy level of a child, George W. Bush was a grown man. Like, in his fifties. Also, he was the President of the United States.

And while it’s unlikely that he’ll ever be held accountable — unless you believe in Hell — for the atrocities committed during his Presidency, that doesn’t mean that we shift the blame to his mom.

What is important to remember about Barbara Bush is that she was widely considered to be George H. W. Bush’s better half.

For example, she supported the Equal Rights Amendment and was vocally pro-choice, unlike most of the Republican establishment in recent decades.

She avoided commenting on her political views during her husband’s candidacy out of fear that she would alienate his voter base.

But even if she had not been as good as she was, she was never President herself, nor was she a monster.

With that in mind, don’t her grandchildren and great-grandchildren deserve consideration?

Say what you will about actual Presidents, but it seems unethical to express this kind of glee simply because you disliked her husband and son.

Personally, I’m not an advocate for pretending that someone was better than they actually were just because they died.

But I certainly don’t support pretending that they were worse, either.

Celebrate the deaths of bad people if you want to, but don’t target their relatives in your zeal.

Randa Jarrar exercised her right to free speech. But that right does not exempt her from consequences of her words, personally or professionally.

Now … does it make sense for her to be placed on leave for that simple tweet (and the tweetstorm that followed)? It might.

This doesn’t seem like something that should get her fired, however.

She’s not advocating violence or a violent ideology anywhere that we’ve seen.

It seems that she’s just being unkind on her own personal social media.


Monday, April 9, 2018

Brad Pitt: Dating MARRIED MIT Professor Neri Oxman?!

Despite the constant rumors that he’s back together with Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt is not involved in a flashy A-list romance.

But that doesn’t mean he’s single.

Brad Pitt Neri Oxman

According to Page Six, Brad has been spending an awful lot of time with an MIT professor named Neri Oxman.

Naturally, fans have leapt to the conclusion that Pitt and Oxman are dating.

However, a source close to the actor says the two of them are just friends.

The kind of ridiculously photogenic friends who spend a ton of one-on-one time together and regularly travel great distances just to meet up.

Ya know, totally platonic.

“Yes, Brad has become friendly with Neri Oxman,” the insider tells E! News.

“He thinks she’s brilliant. He’s interested in getting to know her more and learning from her, but they are strictly friends.”

The source adds that Oxman is “not interested in the whole Hollywood scene at all” and clams “some people seem to be exaggerating this into something that doesn’t exist,”

Needless to say, the rep doth protest too much, and we would have had an easier time believing this statement if contained just one denial, not 47.

We kid, of course.

It’s entirely possible that Brad and Neri are just friends, but we’re sort of enamored with the idea of Brad moving on from Angelina Jolie with someone who puts the actress to shame in terms of woke intellectual cred.

Whatever the case, these two have been hanging out at least since November, when Brad dropped by one of her lectures at MIT, much to the delight of the student body.

Interestingly, Neri, an architect by trade, dropped Pitt’s name in a recent TED Talk:

“For the same reason we have the Brad Pitts and the George Clooneys, it’s just part of human nature to idolize stereotypes,” she explained.

“Such singularities are useful to the common perception of heroism. But it’s not only true for architecture; it’s true in musical composition, for females working in theater, for film directors.”

It’s possible that Brad didn’t realize that wasn’t the most flattering context and simply freshened his breath and went, “It’s go time!” when he heard his name.


Thursday, March 1, 2018

AND1"s "The Professor" Says James Harden"s Crossover "Not the Greatest," Here"s Why

James Harden’s crossover broke the internet — and Wesley Johnson’s ankles — Wednesday night … but one of the best ball handlers on the planet says he’s seen way better!! We got AND1 legend “The Professor” — real name Grayson Boucher –…


Monday, March 27, 2017

Luke Maye"s Professor Says He Never Misses Class ... Great Student (VIDEO)

Luke Maye’s business professor at UNC says he definitely WOULD HAVE given the kid a break if he skipped his 8 AM class … only because Maye hasn’t missed a single class all semester. We spoke with C.J. Skender — who was teaching his 8 AM…


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

And1 Street Baller "The Professor" "Memba Him?!

Grayson Boucher was only 20 years old when he shot to stardom after his street style basketball skills landed him on the And1 team and was given the nickname “The Professor” for schooling people on the court. Guess what he looks like now!


Friday, February 10, 2017

Obamas" Law Professor Says Michelle was Better than Barack (VIDEO)

Charles Ogletree — the man who taught law to Barack and Michelle Obama — says she was the real star. The legendary Harvard constitutional law professor was at LAX Friday when our photog asked who was the better student, and Ogletree didn’t…


Obamas" Law Professor Says Michelle was Better than Barack (VIDEO)

Charles Ogletree — the man who taught law to Barack and Michelle Obama — says she was the real star. The legendary Harvard constitutional law professor was at LAX Friday when our photog asked who was the better student, and Ogletree didn’t…
