Monday, April 9, 2018

Brad Pitt: Dating MARRIED MIT Professor Neri Oxman?!

Despite the constant rumors that he’s back together with Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt is not involved in a flashy A-list romance.

But that doesn’t mean he’s single.

Brad Pitt Neri Oxman

According to Page Six, Brad has been spending an awful lot of time with an MIT professor named Neri Oxman.

Naturally, fans have leapt to the conclusion that Pitt and Oxman are dating.

However, a source close to the actor says the two of them are just friends.

The kind of ridiculously photogenic friends who spend a ton of one-on-one time together and regularly travel great distances just to meet up.

Ya know, totally platonic.

“Yes, Brad has become friendly with Neri Oxman,” the insider tells E! News.

“He thinks she’s brilliant. He’s interested in getting to know her more and learning from her, but they are strictly friends.”

The source adds that Oxman is “not interested in the whole Hollywood scene at all” and clams “some people seem to be exaggerating this into something that doesn’t exist,”

Needless to say, the rep doth protest too much, and we would have had an easier time believing this statement if contained just one denial, not 47.

We kid, of course.

It’s entirely possible that Brad and Neri are just friends, but we’re sort of enamored with the idea of Brad moving on from Angelina Jolie with someone who puts the actress to shame in terms of woke intellectual cred.

Whatever the case, these two have been hanging out at least since November, when Brad dropped by one of her lectures at MIT, much to the delight of the student body.

Interestingly, Neri, an architect by trade, dropped Pitt’s name in a recent TED Talk:

“For the same reason we have the Brad Pitts and the George Clooneys, it’s just part of human nature to idolize stereotypes,” she explained.

“Such singularities are useful to the common perception of heroism. But it’s not only true for architecture; it’s true in musical composition, for females working in theater, for film directors.”

It’s possible that Brad didn’t realize that wasn’t the most flattering context and simply freshened his breath and went, “It’s go time!” when he heard his name.
