Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Paris Jackson Claps Back at Family Members Who Think She"s Going to Die

While Paris Jackson"s fans have been thrilled to see her locking lips with Cara Delevingne and generally living her best life, some people have been worried.

In fact, a report came out claiming that Paris" own family fears that her behavior is putting her in danger and even that her premature death is imminent.

Now Paris has recorded a video, and she"s clapping back at her own family members.

Paris jackson wild hair

So, remember that time that Paris Jackson nearly plummeted to her death?

We pointed out that she was careful to very deliberately not fall from the roof, but apparently the image of that video, which Paris herself elected to share, is haunting her loved ones.

Page Six reports that Paris Jackson"s family fears for her life.

They even compare her near-tragedy to the time that Michael Jackson dangled baby Blanket from a window.

"But this is worse than that because I still think Michael had control of Blanket and they weren’t nearly as high up as Paris is in this video."

Even though Paris was totally okay, it has people worried that she"s in a self-destructive spiral. Some might say that she"s just … 20.

"She’s lost it. She really has."

The relative goes on to say:

"Everyone saw that video, and even though we all knew that she’s now OK, watching it was so traumatic that nobody wants to show it to either Katherine or Joe."

Paris jackson mirror selfie

Well, not all celebrities look at stories about themselves.

And even the stars who do look into what people are saying about them don"t always comment on it publicly.

But Paris Jackson saw it. (She even reveals, in the video, how she saw it)

"So apparently people think I’m about to die."

She states that pretty matter-of-factly in this video, which was recorded while she was in a car with a friend.

"My therapist texted me about it laughing though, so that’s good."

We"re glad that she has such a good relationship with her therapist.

Prince michael and paris jackson

Paris continued in a second video (also below), saying:

"So I guess to the family members that are talking to all of these news outlets saying they’re worried for me:"

And she has a serious question for family members who would rather be a source than speak to their own relative.

"When is the last time you called me?"

Oh. That"s a good question.

Paris jackson cara delevingne photo

Paris isn"t done.

And she even has an example of someone who knows her well enough to not be concerned.

"Prince isn’t worried. Why? Because we talk all the time. We hang out."

By Prince, she of course means Prince Jackson, her brother.

"If you’re worried about me, call me."

That sounds like good advice.

There"s no telling whether or not someone will take her up on that.

For one thing … no one wants to admit to having been the source that spoke out.

Paris jackson sideboob tattoo while tree hugging

Paris Jackson is a sweetheart and she"s just a very nice person. She"s an environmentalist and she"s deeply spiritual.

On top of being a very free spirit, she is 20 years old. Those of us who are risk-averse may cringe at the idea of getting anywhere close to a rooftop"s edge, but Paris was careful. She trusts herself.

It seems a little much to blow one incident out of proportion … especially behind Paris" back like that.

That"s not how families are supposed to treat each other, right?

As always, we wish Paris the best.

Hear her speak in her own words:

Paris jackson claps back at family members who think shes going