Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Ryan Edwards: Did the Teen Mom OG Reunion Prove He"s Back on Heroin?

You know how Mackenzie Standifer is pretty much the most hated person on Teen Mom right now?

Yeah, that reunion special didn"t really help things much.

In both the first and second parts of the reunion, Mackenzie came on with Ryan Edwards to talk about his drug addiction and his coparenting relationship with Maci Bookout.

If you watched, then you know Mackenzie did most of the talking while Ryan sat beside her with those wild eyes of his.

They claimed a bunch of different things in their segments, but when you compile all the stories together, one thing becomes clear.

There seems to be a very, very small chance that Ryan is actually clean these days.

1. Lots and Lots of Drugs

Ryan edwards a photo

As you’ve probably heard, Ryan was dealing with a pretty severe heroin problem last year. He was shooting up, Mackenzie claimed he was spending around $ 10,000 a week on his habit, and at one point last spring he was even arrested.

2. Turning Things Around

Mackenzie standifer ryan edwards

But after nodding off while driving himself and his bride to their first wedding, he went off to rehab for a few weeks. Yep, just a few weeks — he checked out early, and after he did, he was seen knocking back beers and badmouthing Maci. Not a great look for someone in his position.

3. It’s All Maci’s Fault

Mackenzie standifer with ryan edwards

But as soon as Ryan came home from rehab, he and Mackenzie both felt comfortable putting so much blame for everything on Maci. She triggered him into doing heroin, she knew he was doing heroin and didn’t directly discuss it with the people who lived with him and saw him regularly, so basically Ryan’s entire drug problem was her fault. Because that makes sense.

4. … Come On

Maci deshane mckinney

They slammed Maci for refusing to let Ryan spend time with their son until he was able to pass a drug test, and they even made fun of her for admitting that she’d cried many times over Ryan — because to them, that meant she was still in love with him, not that she was afraid her son’s father could die.

5. Hmmm

Ryan edwards not sober

Then, leading up to the season finale, Ryan began acting strangely — he seemed depressed about Mackenzie’s pregnancy news, telling her to call him when the kid turned three and even suggesting at one point that they separate for the duration of her pregnancy. He also complained of feeling sick, being very cold, and needing to lie down throughout her ultrasound.

6. Oh, Ryan …

Ryan edwards of teen mom

Considering all these things together, many Teen Mom fans became convinced than Ryan had relapsed. He may have been irritable because he’d rather be getting high, he was feeling sick because it had been too long since he’d doone drugs, that kind of thing.

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