Wednesday, April 11, 2018

David Eason Balloon-Stabbing: Incident to Air on Teen Mom 2!

We’ve all heard of the terrifying incident in which David Eason pulled a knife and began stabbing balloons at the Teen Mom 2 Reunion.

Since then, Jenelle has tried to make excuses for his alarming behavior, like she always does.

Well, Teen Mom 2 viewers will finally get to see the footage for themselves. And Jenelle is going to be pissed.

The good folks over at The Ashley have a source that reveals that Teen Mom 2 will show David Eason’s balloon incident.

“[The show’s producers] have been planning to show David’s rampage since it happened.”

Naturally. Reality shows are fueled by drama and explosive moments.

“Normally, it would be included in the regular Reunion special.”

This was a special case, however.

“But the drama [from the Reunion taping] was just so good that they basically said, ‘We’re saving this for the show!"”

The source even dishes on exactly what viewers can look forward to seeing.

“Viewers will get to see him get tangled in the balloons and then the cameras kind of scramble to zoom in on where the commotion is coming from.”

This, as those familiar with reports of the incident know, is where David’s knife comes into play.

“And then they show David stabbing the balloons.”

As fans can imagine, the sight and sound of a large man angrily stabbing a bunch of balloons did not go unnoticed by the other stars.

So the footage will reportedly also show them freaking out.

“It shows just how weird that whole situation actually was.”

We can also expect to see Jenelle, as usual, making excuses for her husband’s deeply alarming behavior to her costars.

A while back, Leah Messer appeared on Kailyn Lowry’s podcast to talk about the infamous Balloon Massacre.

And they talked about more than just what happened after he pulled out a knife.

“I don’t even remember if [David was mad] because they were not serving any more alcohol.”

Fans may remember that David Eason griped about there not being any beer.

“But we were there for work!”

If you’re not sure how much is appropriate to drink at a work function, just ask someone. Or don’t drink at all!

“I mean, you can have a few drinks socially but, it’s not that appropriate.”

Kail and Leah then agree that they would not allow their children near David Eason. Which shouldn’t be too difficult, since Eason has been fired.

The Ashley‘s source goes on to to describe what else we can look forward to seeing.

“They show security searching him the next day at the studio because of the knife incident the night before.”

Added security makes sense when you’re dealing with someone who clearly loves weapons.

The source says that this should solidify the incident in the minds of fans and viewers.

“It really happened, and everyone saw it so there’s no denying it happened.”

And the source points out that the footage is really fair game.

“If someone does something on-set, in front of cameras, they can’t really get upset if it ends up on the show.”

That makes sense. That’s how reality television works.

The source also reveals that apparently producers have not tipped off Jenelle that the footage will air.

And it sounds like they don’t plan on pulling the footage, even if Jenelle pitches a fit. Again.

Jenelle always seems eager to bend over backwards to explain away David’s abhorrent behavior and to defend him, even though he appears to be the worst man she’s ever been with.

(Which is almost impressive, considering his competition for that title)

After fans and viewers and Jenelle herself all see what the camera will reveal about David Eason, will it become harder for her to lie to fans — and herself — about the man she’s married?

Or will MTV change its mind before the episode airs, and bury the footage?
