Friday, April 27, 2018

Grey"s Anatomy Season 14 Episode 21 Recap: Bad Reputation

Harper Avery may be dead, but his legacy came crashing down on Grey’s Anatomy Season 14 Episode 21

When the episode got underway, there was a media frenzy because of the truth coming out about a string of women who were allegedly assaulted by the deceased surgeon. 

This put Meredith in a difficult position. She and her mother had won Harper Avery awards and while they were once seen as royalty, they are now seen as the remnants of terrible hierarchy. 

So, Meredith returned them because she did not want to be associated with the company, and rightfully so. 

But she found herself at odds with Jackson when she learned that he donated the $ 100 million for the medical greatness surgeries. 

Jackson admitted his part in it, but had to later beg Mer for forgiveness. In his eyes, he was doing something great and had no intention of rigging the contest. 

The pair joined forces to help a kid named Diego from Venezuela who had a tumor on his face. Jackson wanted to go for a less invasive surgery, but Meredith wanted to take the whole thing out.

Before they got into surgery, the religious group who were funding the hospital pulled out because of the allegations against Harper. 

Meredith shut them down and said that Jackson was the best surgeon around, and even claimed the hospital would foot the bill for the surgery. 

So, the surgery went ahead, and the boy was saved. But that was not the end of Meredith and Jackson’s storyline. 

They came up with an idea to change the name of the foundation to Catherine Fox, and allow all of the women who were silenced to return to be retrained and rehired. 

The crisis managed balked at the idea, but Jackson’s mind was made up, and everyone agreed with him. 

Elsewhere, Nurse Olivia returned to the hospital with her son and wasted no time in calling Alex out. At one point, she asked Jo whether she had contracted gonorrhea from him. 

But Alex and Jo were trying to plan their wedding, and April decided to step in at the last minute and help out. All they had to do was give her a budget and she would sort the whole thing out. 

Alex disappeared when he checked his account, prompting Jo to think he was broke. The true reason for it was that his mother had not been cashing her checks, and he thought there was something amiss with her. 

Finally, Owen took Leo to the hospital and met up with the kid’s biological mother in the process. The kid confided in Amelia that she bought a dress for the event. 

Amelia picked up on her using drugs and asked about it. The kid admitted she became addicted after an injury and was prescribed opioids. 

Amelia asked Weber whether she should help the kid, and she decided to. Owen unsurprisingly told the pair to move in with him and it would give Leo the chance to have his mother in his life. 

What did you think of the episode?

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