Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Josh Duggar: DEFEATED In Molestation Lawsuit!

It’s been three years since the world learned that Josh Duggar molested five young girls – four of whom were his sisters – while still living in his parents’ home.

As a result of the timing of the assaults and the fact that Josh was able to avoid prosecution with the help of his parents, many felt that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar should be held accountable along with Josh.

If you’ve been following them closely over the years, you know that the Duggars are masters in the art of burying scandals (a skill they may have learned during Jim Bob’s time in the political arena), but the odds were certainly against them following the Josh revelation.

Even diehard fans were nauseated and quick to demand that 19 Kids and Counting be canceled by TLC.

But there were enough Duggar loyalists to give the family an outside chance at a comeback.

Jim Bob seized the opportunity by deflecting blame and practicing the art of distraction.

At his behest, two of Josh’s victims, Jill and Jessa Duggar, filed lawsuits against In Touch Weekly, as well as the officials who they feel were responsible for releasing Josh’s police records to the tabloid, and thus identifying them as victims.

(Jill and Jessa were not named in the documents, but they feel it wouldn’t be difficult for interested parties to deduce their identities.)

Shortly thereafter, Josh filed a lawsuit of his own, and his has even less of a chance of being successful.

Countless legal experts and attorneys have already weighed in, explaining that since Josh was well over the age of majority when the records were released, the police department was well within its rights to comply with the Freedom of Information Act request filed by In Touch.

Nevertheless, Josh continued to press on with his ill-fated legal quest.

As is the case pretty much any time a public figure files a lawsuit, Josh was clearly hoping that the defendants would publicly apologize, cut him a settlement check, and the whole matter would be resolved without anyone setting foot inside a courtroom.

Unfortunately for him, it now looks as though continuing with the suit will do nothing to clear his name and will instead dredge up the ugliest incident from his family’s past.

This week, Josh’s lawyers made a last ditch effort to convince lawyers representing Washington County and Springdale, Arkansas to file out of court.

It didn’t go well for Josh:

“Defendant Washington County denies each and every allegation of Plaintiff’s Complaint not specifically and expressly admitted herein,” reads the attorneys’ reply.

That’s basically legalese for “we’ll see you in court.”

Josh’s lawyers attempted to tug at the defendants’ heartstrings, claiming that the 30-year-old suffered “severe emotional distress, mental anguish and substantial loss of income” as a result of the released documents.

Unfortunately for the Duggars, Washington County and Springdale officials aren’t having it and continue to insist that Josh “has failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted.”

Looks like the most interesting Duggar drama will soon be playing out not on TV but in the courtroom.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
