Friday, May 4, 2018

Grey"s Anatomy Season 14 Episode 22 Recap: Fight for Your Mind

Alex confronted his past on Grey’s Anatomy Season 14 Episode 22 as he realized it was time to face up to his mother. 

Jo went along for the ride with him because she did not want him doing it all on his lonesome. Alex’s world was rocked when a neighbor confirmed that Helen was not at home … she was at work. 

This was surprising because his mother struggled with schizophrenia throughout his life, and he wondered why she never called him. 

As such, he confronted her at her work. Helen maintained that she wanted to reach out, but the only thing keeping her sane was sticking to a rigorous routine. 

That was too much for Alex, so he went to play baseball and blew off some steam. Jo listened as he whined about how bad his life was. However, he did admit that she gave him one good year. 

Talking about it made Alex realize that his mother is unwell through no fault of her own and that he should be happy about her moving on. 

He returned to the library and said that he was happy for her. He also asked for a library card because he said he would come visit her. It was a heartwarming scene, but Helen did not feel like she would be able to attend the wedding. 

In her own unorthodox way, Helen was better and doing her own thing. 

Elsewhere, Amelia was trying to wean Betty off the drugs, and the pair debated about how she should feel. But Betty was not ready to fully commit to recovery and escaped through the bathroom window. 

This made Amelia attend an AA meeting, and she admitted that she was trying to save a troubled teenager. But she never managed to locate Betty before the episode was over. 

Meanwhile, Arizona had to contend with a woman who was scared of having surgery. It stemmed from her father dying during surgery when she was 5-years-old. 

The case helped Arizona realize that she needed to put Sofia first, and that paved the way for her to call time on her relationship with Carina. 

Arizona closed her arc this week by calling Callie and saying that Sofia needs to go home with her and that she would be moving to New York. 

The other big storyline revolved around Meredith doing her presentation for the mini-livers. She decided to confirm Marie Cerone was the one who helped Ellis all those years ago. 

But Meredith was not ready to deal with Marie. The reason? The woman tried to destroy her a few months back over what happened in the past. 

What did you think of the episode?

Hit the comments below. 

Watch Grey’s Anatomy online right here to get caught up with all the action!

Grey’s Anatomy continues Thursdays on ABC. 
